If You Wake Up And Somebody Is Playing With Your Cock It’s Just My Weirdo Mom (Part 1)


Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

If You Wake Up And Somebody Is Playing With Your Cock It’s Just My Weirdo Mom (Part 1) by Luca Satana

Since the dawn of sleepovers, the occasional weirdo mom has been a serious problem. Thankfully, there’s now a solution to help combat this problem.

Luca’s Naughty Bits is a series of short and sweet erotic tales. Some are stand alone stories, while some will be continuations. Eventually, there will be loads of these Luca’s Naughty Bits stories and you’ll be able to grab one or two at a time or go for the whole sha-bang when they’re published in bulk. So be on the lookout for more Luca’s Naughty Bits!


It was late. Probably too late. But these mother-fuckers liked to stay up fucking late. Jack especially. And Ryan, too, on occasion, but on this night, most definitely, since Ryan was spending the night over his friend Jack’s, and when in Rome, etc.

So, there in the late-night darkness, in the living room of all places, Jack was lying on the couch, while his friend Ryan was on the floor – how hospitable.

Before the two friends invited sleep, Jack thought he might take a moment to give Ryan, who had never spent the night over his house before, a proper warning. Jack was being serious, but it was difficult to tell, since Jack was rarely serious. Needless to say, either way, Ryan didn’t know what to think.

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LOF New Release: Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 18

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 18

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 18 (With The Girl Of My Dreams And The Other Girl Of My Dreams (And Genes)) by Luca Satana

Either by some personal vendetta, bad luck or just a plain mix-up, my mom is my assigned sex-ed partner. So, yeah. Fuck My Life!

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 18When our sex-ed teacher Miss Mayberry, who was one of those younger idealistic-to-a-fault teachers, said there was extra money in the budget this year so she was taking us on a field trip and bringing chaperones who would essentially be divvyed up and assigned to us as sex-ed partners for the night, I thought this was going to be a good thing. And, on an unrelated note, which turned out to be very related, when my mom, who makes very little money working as a teacher’s aide at my high school, said she was working some extra hours this week and thus making a little extra money, I also thought that was a good thing. Because ever since I turned 18, a month or two prior, my mom has been promising to get me a car. The thought never occurred to me that my mom’s extra hours were going to come from being one of Miss Mayberry’s chaperones, or, more specifically, one of Miss Mayberry assigned sex-ed partners. Not until, well, the very second my mom showed up at my hotel door.


The morning light was a tad abrasive, and so was the girl of my dreams sucking on my cock for breakfast. Although, it wasn’t readily apparent it was actually her, since my mom was still on top of me, but somebody most definitely was somewhere behind my mom and most definitely sucking the living daylights out of my radioactive rock-hard cock.

Mom…?” I struggled to say, straining.

Yes, sweetie…?” my mom said, barely awake, as her and her near-ocean of breasts were trying to drown me – and oh what a way to go.

“Are you sucking my cock?” Okay, so maybe my powers of deduction weren’t the strongest.

No?” She seemed amused. “Honestly, Jay? How could Mommy be sucking your cock when you’re talking to her right now?”

“Well is your pussy or asshole sucking my cock, then?” I grimaced, as a particularly toothy part of my mom’s pussy or asshole scraped along my cock. “Gees!

“No. Silly. Afraid not.”

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LOF New Release: Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 17

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 17

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 17 (A Little More With Miss Mayberry And The Girl Of My Dreams) by Luca Satana

Either by some personal vendetta, bad luck or just a plain mix-up, my mom is my assigned sex-ed partner. So, yeah. Fuck My Life!

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 17When our sex-ed teacher Miss Mayberry, who was one of those younger idealistic-to-a-fault teachers, said there was extra money in the budget this year so she was taking us on a field trip and bringing chaperones who would essentially be divvyed up and assigned to us as sex-ed partners for the night, I thought this was going to be a good thing. And, on an unrelated note, which turned out to be very related, when my mom, who makes very little money working as a teacher’s aide at my high school, said she was working some extra hours this week and thus making a little extra money, I also thought that was a good thing. Because ever since I turned 18, a month or two prior, my mom has been promising to get me a car. The thought never occurred to me that my mom’s extra hours were going to come from being one of Miss Mayberry’s chaperones, or, more specifically, one of Miss Mayberry assigned sex-ed partners. Not until, well, the very second my mom showed up at my hotel door.


Finally, some full-on much-needed sleep, as I lied there with the girl of my dreams straddling me and my carbonite cock for a good few hours.

During which, I heard more chit-chat. Ladies love to chit-chat. But when you’re in a deep sleep, it all sounds like feedback. Girl chit-chat feedback. Which can be nice.

Until they interrupt your deep sleep with a rather two energetic kiss.

Jay!” Miss Mayberry said, excited, as she kissed me on the lips again.

Huh…?” I said, I mean, fine with a kiss or whatever, if that’s what my sex-ed teacher wanted to give me. But maybe she could wait until the actual morning. Which, in a way, it was, with the whisper of sunlight starting to form in the window.

“You inspired me!”

“I did?”

“I’m changing the assignment sheet!”

“Oh. Okay.”

“I’m adding one more thing.”


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LOF New Release: Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 16

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 16

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 16 (With Miss Mayberry And The Girl Of My Dreams) by Luca Satana

Either by some personal vendetta, bad luck or just a plain mix-up, my mom is my assigned sex-ed partner. So, yeah. Fuck My Life!

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 16When our sex-ed teacher Miss Mayberry, who was one of those younger idealistic-to-a-fault teachers, said there was extra money in the budget this year so she was taking us on a field trip and bringing chaperones who would essentially be divvyed up and assigned to us as sex-ed partners for the night, I thought this was going to be a good thing. And, on an unrelated note, which turned out to be very related, when my mom, who makes very little money working as a teacher’s aide at my high school, said she was working some extra hours this week and thus making a little extra money, I also thought that was a good thing. Because ever since I turned 18, a month or two prior, my mom has been promising to get me a car. The thought never occurred to me that my mom’s extra hours were going to come from being one of Miss Mayberry’s chaperones, or, more specifically, one of Miss Mayberry assigned sex-ed partners. Not until, well, the very second my mom showed up at my hotel door.


Believe it or not, I was walking hand in hand with the girl of my dreams. This was something! Something most definitely had been established. And I was loving it!

Sure, I might have agreed to raise another man’s baby as my own. Sure, this other man might be the girl of my dreams’ dad. Sure, this other man might be the man of my nightmares. But I wouldn’t dwell on that. Why would I? For now, in this moment, I was walking hand in hand with the girl of my dreams, as we entered the hotel and headed for my room.

Now, there are a million ways someone can be greeted when they walk into a room. On this occasion, I just so happened to be greeted by Miss Mayberry’s big round ass, with her cute little pussy and dark little asshole bouncing away, while she feverishly fed her face with my mom’s pussy, as my mom moaned and whimpered, doing her own little bouncing, as she suddenly erupted in my teacher’s face, crying out as she gripped the sheets in her balled-up fists and her big ginormous breasts and bullet-size nipples quaked.

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LOF New Release: Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 15

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 15

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 15 (With The Girl Of My Dreams And The Infinite Maybe More – Part 3) by Luca Satana

Either by some personal vendetta, bad luck or just a plain mix-up, my mom is my assigned sex-ed partner. So, yeah. Fuck My Life!

Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner: Episode 15When our sex-ed teacher Miss Mayberry, who was one of those younger idealistic-to-a-fault teachers, said there was extra money in the budget this year so she was taking us on a field trip and bringing chaperones who would essentially be divvyed up and assigned to us as sex-ed partners for the night, I thought this was going to be a good thing. And, on an unrelated note, which turned out to be very related, when my mom, who makes very little money working as a teacher’s aide at my high school, said she was working some extra hours this week and thus making a little extra money, I also thought that was a good thing. Because ever since I turned 18, a month or two prior, my mom has been promising to get me a car. The thought never occurred to me that my mom’s extra hours were going to come from being one of Miss Mayberry’s chaperones, or, more specifically, one of Miss Mayberry assigned sex-ed partners. Not until, well, the very second my mom showed up at my hotel door.


In the midst of ever so lightly fucking the girl of my dreams’ sweet lips, we stared almost continuously into each other’s eyes, which eventually compelled her to suddenly unmouth me, motioning for me to come in closer, and when I did, she extended even closer to kiss me on the lips, even slipping her tongue inside my mouth and I in hers, until she suddenly maneuvered to rewrap her lips around my cockhead and wrapped her hand around my hip, pulling me in, which I obliged, pushing more than halfway down her sweet throat, again and again, which was more than enough to demonstrate how little I was like her dad, as I suddenly grimaced and groaned and came apart, all over the inside of her sweet mouth and down her sweet throat…

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