LOF New Release: I’m Blue When My Brother’s Green With Our Mom: Episode 6

I'm Blue When My Brother's Green With Our Mom: Episode 6

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

I’m Blue When My Brother’s Green With Our Mom: Episode 6 by Luca Satana

We were all so horny, my mom, my brother, and me, so why wouldn’t blue green work? Well, because I’m blue when my brother is green.

I'm Blue When My Brother's Green With Our Mom: Episode 6What are you supposed to do when there are four members of your immediate family, and three of them are extremely, well, horny, like all the time, and one is extremely, well, never horny, like all the time? That was the situation my mom, my brother, and I were in. Until, well, my mom came up with blue green. Or I don’t know what you call it. That’s just what it amounted to. It wasn’t gross. It was meant to be orderly. Fair. And as neat and clean as possible, while still accomplishing what we set out for. And that was, of course, to be unhorny.


“William, why don’t you slide your big thick cock back inside Mommy while she cleans up some of this yummy cum.”

“Okay…” I did, straining and firming just enough to poke back inside my mom’s hot and slippery pussy, as I started to lightly fuck her, while my mom loosened one of her chubby little legs from her pajama bottoms and panties, so she could spread her legs apart, opening everything up to me, as I continued to fuck away, feeling so mesmerizing, and yet trying not to dwell on how mesmerizing it was feeling, as I watched and listened to my mom moan and sigh through the fuck, whenever she wasn’t feeding her face with the cum all over her, until, all of a sudden, yet again, I found myself groaning and kicking, and starting to fire, as I inexplicably, once more, half-pulled out, squirting right up the sleeve of my mom’s pajama top, as she was starting to play with her pussy.

“William, sweetheart, keep your coming inside Mommy not on her…!”

“Sorry…” I groaned, popping my coming cock back inside my mom’s pussy and feeling myself blast deep inside her, feeling so good I nearly collapsed, as I lightly pumped my mom’s sweet pussy, until I was done coming.

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LOF New Release: I’m Blue When My Brother’s Green With Our Mom: Episode 5

I'm Blue When My Brother's Green With Our Mom: Episode 5

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

I’m Blue When My Brother’s Green With Our Mom: Episode 5 by Luca Satana

We were all so horny, my mom, my brother, and me, so why wouldn’t blue green work? Well, because I’m blue when my brother is green.

I'm Blue When My Brother's Green With Our Mom: Episode 5What are you supposed to do when there are four members of your immediate family, and three of them are extremely, well, horny, like all the time, and one is extremely, well, never horny, like all the time? That was the situation my mom, my brother, and I were in. Until, well, my mom came up with blue green. Or I don’t know what you call it. That’s just what it amounted to. It wasn’t gross. It was meant to be orderly. Fair. And as neat and clean as possible, while still accomplishing what we set out for. And that was, of course, to be unhorny.


“Arc de Triomphe,” I said, quite confidently, as I munched the last of my pizza, before I placed my plate on the end table.

“Eiffel Tower,” my terror of a brother said, still nursing his last piece of pizza, while he glared way too close to Final Jeopardy on the TV screen. “What the heck is the Arc de-whatever?”

“It’s the right answer.”

“Yeah right.”

“Eiffel Tower,” Alex Trebek said, reading the contestant’s scribbled out answer. “Nope. I’m sorry. It was actually the Arc de Triomphe. How much did you wager?”

“Told you,” I said, trying my best not to gloat, but still, of course, gloating a little.

“Whatever,” Terror said, visibly annoyed.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, our mom emerged in her freshly dried, with heat still coming off it, blue pajamas, as she headed straightaway over to my terror of a brother and handed him her green pajamas, along with the detached buttons in a baggie, and her little sewing kit case.

“Mom, what am I supposed to do with this?” Terror said, in mild protest.

“Fix it,” our mom said sternly, but with a soft smile, before she started back toward the couch, grabbing my hand on the way.

Oh, man…” Terror sighed, just staring at these all components in his lap, completely confounded.

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