LOF New Release: Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 2

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 2

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 2 by Luca Satana

If my mom wants to be a (porn) star, then I’m going to do whatever I can to help her with that. Yes, even that. That’s how much I believe in her.

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 2Maybe everyone else in my family has given up on my mom and her obsession with becoming a star, but I’m not gonna. Not ever. How could someone with all her infectious passion and undeniable charisma not reach stardom? I believe in her. And I believe in her dreams. Even some of her wilder dreams. Like, for instance, this latest one, when it became painfully clear that my mom wants to be a (porn) star.

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