LOF New Release: Getting To Know Mom: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming

Getting To Know Mom: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming

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The Getting To Know Mom Series: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming by Luca Satana

Getting to know my mom has been a scream. Quite literally. But, and I think my mom would agree, nobody, and I mean nobody needs to know.

Getting To Know Mom: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is ComingFinally, there’s a series devoted to men getting to know their moms. You know, biblically speaking. And not a moment too soon.

Then, a slightly different Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming:

Okay, totally my bad. I’ll admit it. I never should have put myself in that situation. In any of these situations. Especially when I knew how much of a fan my mom was of sex. Or, in particular, a fan of a certain part of the male anatomy. Still, how big a fan I never could have known. And if I’m not careful, everyone else will know. Which was something my mom most definitely was not a big fan of. Not even a little bit.


I was sleeping. In my mom’s class. I had an open period. And she had an open period. So, at some point, I just started hanging out there during my open period. Except now, I wasn’t hanging out, I was just sleeping, you know, in one of those silly little uncomfortable desk chairs.

Will?” my mom said, from her desk, where she was doing whatever she did during her open periods, which seemed more than anything else, at least up until recently, grading papers.

Huh?” I said, suddenly coming to, and finding myself trapped in this little iron maiden-like desk chair, constricted even more so with my abnormally large cock living large, or its largest, in my jeans, I guess due to the dream I was having, which just so happened to be about my mom – how weird – and what had happened in the shower a few days prior.

“Mommy’s got work – tons of papers to grade, and you’re just sleeping away over there.”


“You could at least come help Mommy.”

“How? I don’t know shit about English.”

Watch the language, mister.


“Now, you have to help Mommy.”

“Okay, but how?”

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LOF New Release: Getting To Know Mom: Episode 3: But With Mommy’s Help You Could Know Even More


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The Getting To Know Mom Series: Episode 3: But With Mommy’s Help You Could Know Even More by Luca Satana

I told my mom how my girlfriend helped me know what was on the midterm, and now my mom thinks she can help me know even more!

Finally, there’s a series devoted to men getting to know their moms. You know, biblically speaking. And not a moment too soon.

And, next, we have But With Mommy’s Help You Could Know Even More:

In retrospect, yeah, I never should have told my mom how my girlfriend helped me know what was on the midterm. I mean, I should have known she wouldn’t approve. But the way she didn’t approve was a bit surprising. And probably way worse. Because my mom was convinced if I let my mom help me I could know even more. The scary part was I think my mom knew what she was talking about.


After I told my mom about my girlfriend, and how she helped me know what was on my midterm, my mom just sort of stared at me. Forever.

It was weird.

To be honest, I didn’t mind sitting there at my desk in my room staring at my mom, waiting for her to make a move or sound. After all, she was very beautiful, with dark features, and big fluffy blood-red lips, and a nearly endless roller-coaster of curves up and down her body. Like Carmen Electra curves. Like Carmen Electra on crack curves (assuming Carmen Electra wasn’t already on crack).

And then, suddenly, my mom started stripping off her blouse, then her skirt, getting down to her red bra and panties.

Mom?” I said, kind of in awe.

Jordan?” my mom said, kind of mocking.

“What are you doing?”

“Mommy’s impressed.”

“You are?”

“Yeah.” She went over and shut and locked my bedroom door. “Rachel may have helped you know what was on your midterm, but with Mommy’s help you could know even more, on whatever midterms you might have left, your finals, or whatever big test might come up in between.”

Um…” I smirked, then watched as my mom dropped down to the floor to squeeze herself and all her roller-coaster of curves under my desk.

“Do you have your books and notes?” I heard her say from somewhere under my desk.

“Um.” I looked around, at a loss. “Somewhere.”

“Well…” I could practically hear her rolling her eyes. “Go get them.”

“Um. Yeah. Right. Okay.”

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LOF New Release: Getting To Know Mom: Episode 2: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming

Getting To Know Mom: Episode 2: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The Getting To Know Mom Series: Episode 2: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming by Luca Satana

Getting to know my mom has been a scream. Quite literally. But, and I think my mom would agree, nobody, and I mean nobody needs to know.

Getting To Know Mom: Episode 2: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is ComingFinally, there’s a series devoted to men getting to know their moms. You know, biblically speaking. And not a moment too soon.

Then, a slightly different Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming:

Okay, totally my bad. I’ll admit it. I never should have put myself in that situation. In any of these situations. Especially when I knew how much of a fan my mom was of sex. Or, in particular, a fan of a certain part of the male anatomy. Still, how big a fan I never could have known. And if I’m not careful, everyone else will know. Which was something my mom most definitely was not a big fan of. Not even a little bit.


So, I finally knocked on the bathroom door.

Nothing. No response.

“Seriously?” I sighed. Then, wouldn’t you know, I did have to piss. I rolled my eyes. So, finally, I just opened the door and went in.

“Will, is that you?” My mom’s voice called out from the shower. She sounded as if she was struggling with something of great import in there, whatever she was doing.

“Yes, Mom.” I rolled my eyes again, as I unfurled my big smelly cock to begin emptying it in the toilet. “When are you guys just going to break down and call someone to come out and fix your shower?”

“Will, last time I checked, both of these showers are mine.”

“Yeah, but there’s other people here.”

“Oh, stop the presses, are you going to take a shower?”

“I am. Or I was.”

“Oh, by all means, take one.”

“I will. But it’s kind of hard when you’re taking one, right?”

“Oh, right. Silly me. Mommy will be done momentarily.”

“Mom, what does that even mean? Momentarily?

“What’s the rush?”

“I have to go. I’m going to a party.”

“Oh. Big plans. It’s a party. You can be late to a party.”

“I know. But I’m picking up Raymond, then his girlfriend in Henniker.”



“Why can’t Raymond pick up his girlfriend in Henniker?”


“Right. Leadfoot can’t drive.”

“No. He can drive. He can definitely drive. Just not the speed limit. Ever.

“Well, he better give you some gas money.”

“I don’t know. Mom, please. I gotta jump in there.”

“Then, jump in.”

“Um, no.”

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LOF New Release: Tiny Mom Self-Defense Lessons: Lesson 1

Tiny Mom Self-Defense Lessons: Lesson 1

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Tiny Mom Self-Defense Lessons: Lesson 1 by Tura Brasi

How on earth could Henry complain, when it stands to reason, all his pretend for real mom-raping might very well save his tiny mom Lydia someday?

Tiny Mom Self-Defense Lessons: Lesson 1Lydia is a tiny mom, age 36. Henry is her big son, age 18. After watching the news, which was, by far, one of Lydia’s worst habits, she heard about the umpteenth rape downtown, which was where Lydia worked, and so, petrified beyond belief, Lydia had a big idea. As a mom, a particularly tiny mom, Lydia decided it was paramount that she learn how to defend herself, against, in particular, a big man, in particular, a big man who is trying to rape her. And that’s, much to her big son’s protest, where Henry comes in. Several times, I’m afraid. But, how on earth could he complain? After all, it stands to reason, all his pretend for real mom-raping might very well save his tiny mom someday.

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LOF New Release: Moms Who Think They’re Only Sexy If Their Sons Think They’re Sexy: Episode 2 (More With Nanette And Her Son Cole)


Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Moms Who Think They’re Only Sexy If Their Sons Think They’re Sexy: Episode 2 (More With Nanette And Her Son Cole) by Tura Brasi

When a mom feels unsexy, sometimes the only thing that can make her feel sexy again is her son’s big fat cock wedged deep inside her.

Moms Who Think They're Only Sexy If Their Sons Think They're Sexy: Episode 2Nanette Peters has been thinking about something, a thought that, to her surprise, she wasn’t the only one thinking, and that was she thought she was only sexy if her son, or sons in her case, thought she was sexy. A husband’s thoughts on the subject were a dime a dozen. But, a son’s thoughts, now that was truly something. If a son thought a mom was sexy, now that was true validation. After Nanette’s discovery, though she had no formal training, or education, it wasn’t long before she decided to make this her life’s work. And so, that’s exactly what she did.

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