Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories Discounts & Freebies November 2022
Welcome to Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories! Here are more LOF discounts and freebies for November 2022.
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A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong 4-Pack 6 (Episode 21-24) *25% off coupon code PB42P*
Eric Brennan was a handsome 18-year-old young man who really wanted to help his mother. He knew his father was no good for his mother. He was mean. Abusive. Controlling. In fact, the only good thing he ever did for her was fuck her. A lot. Eric knew this from all the years growing up in the house and hearing them going at it. Especially his mother, who was a particularly loud lover.
And so, Eric decided he would confront his mother on Spring Break. First thing he did was pack his suitcase and his mother’s suitcase. Then he took a deep breath and approached his mother.
Sabrina Brennan was a very pretty and very sweet 41-year-old woman. But she needed help. The sad thing was she didn’t even realize it. Not until that fateful day when her son pointed it out to her. Suddenly her eyes were opened. And so, she agreed.
With it already being late in the day, they had to move quickly. Sabrina was surprised to see that her son had already packed her suitcase. She checked it. No lingerie. One of her favorite things to wear. This simply would not do. So, she threw in all her lingerie and skimpy underwear and tried to get her suitcase closed again. No such luck. However, after considerable effort, which included sitting on it, then standing on it, then sitting on it again, thankfully, she was able to do so.
Finally, they were off!
They drove for hours. They weren’t sure what they were gonna do. Or where they were gonna go. So, they drove up to the White Mountains. There, they found a not so nice, but barely occupied, strip hotel and decided to stay. For how long, neither one knew. All they knew was they were alone. Together. Mother and son.
There, they could plot out their next move. And start a life, anew. With Eric’s father and Sabrina’s husband finally gone, completely out of the picture.
25% off with coupon code: PB42P
My Super Sexy Prep Room Teacher Is Also My Super Sexy Sex-Slave: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-3) *25% off coupon code JR74H*
Hi, my name’s Billy Hamelin. You may or may not have heard of me. If you haven’t, I’m sure you’ve heard of my Dad, Wallace Hamelin. Yeah. That Wallace Hamelin, the inventor of the Trapper Keeper. Needless to say, after all the success of the Trapper Keeper, we were pretty well-off for a while there, before my Dad got sick and passed away in the mid 90’s. That’s what happens when you decide to have a son when you’re 63. It’s not like I’m mad at my Dad for being so old when he had me. It’s not like you can blame him. He is my Dad, after all. And even though I didn’t get a lot of time with him, the time I did get was pretty awesome, and I really do appreciate it.
By far, one of the coolest, and probably out-there things my Dad ever did for me was on the Christmas following my 18th birthday, when he bought me a sex-slave. Yeah, I told you it was pretty out-there. But, again, I’m not complaining. At the time, I thought I was pretty fucking lucky – excuse my French. And I still do. Especially when I found out who my sex-slave was, well, none other than my absolutely gorgeous and super sexy prep room teacher, Miss Rose.
25% off with coupon code: JR74H
This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 1 by Luca Satana
I’m not weird. Or bad. Just misunderstood. I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? I’m a rocker. But, now, my grandpa said if my mom doesn’t get me to go to school and graduate, he’s gonna pull the plug on us, financially. So, now, my mom thinks she has to go to great lengths to get me to go to graduate, by homeschooling me in her own fucked-up way. Ugh.
Coupon Code: KT27J *Only 25 Free Downloads Available*
Expiration: November 15, 2022
What Do You Do When Your Stepdaughter Is Constantly Flashing You With Her Giant Tits? by Byzantine Thomas
This ebook is chockfull of Dr. Mosely Untreu’s amazing personal accounts with the opposite sex, bringing to light things that you never would have thought about in a million years. For instance, what do you do when your stepdaughter is constantly flashing you with her giant tits? Well, lucky for you Dr. Mosely Untreu knows exactly what to do and you will too after you read this amazing ebook!
Coupon Code: LJ32N *Only 25 Free Downloads Available*
Expiration: December 1, 2022
Whenever My Daughter Is Feeling Cock-Crazy by Luca Satana
Luca’s Naughty Bits is a series of short and sweet erotic tales. Eventually, there will be loads of these Luca’s Naughty Bits stories and you’ll be able to grab one or two at a time or go for the whole sha-bang when they’re published in bytes (8-story collections). So be on the lookout for more Luca’s Naughty Bits!
Coupon Code: VW89T *Only 25 Free Downloads Available*
Expiration: December 5, 2022
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love My Family: Episode 2 or Mother’s Days: Day 2 by Luca Satana
My mom is really cool. But she’s unlucky. My father passed when I was pretty young. Since then, my mom’s been mostly single, with a few losers peppered in here and there. Now, my mom is working nights. She likes it. Especially the pay raise. But she can’t sleep. So, after trying a million things, pills, reading, eating, anything to sleep, she’s now looking to me to help her sleep.
Coupon Code: QL29Q *Only 25 Free Downloads Available*
Expiration: December 9, 2022
More Freebies…
The Implausibly Cruel Life Of Tall Thin Peter Flynn: Episode 1 (1st Half) by Luca Satana
Tall Thin Peter Flynn, who was quite popular among his family members, first for being the only boy in the rather large family, and second for possessing, ever since a child, an abnormally long and skinny johnson, has finally, to everyone’s sheer delight, turned 18! In most families, this would be a joyous affair. For the Flynns, this was going to be downright hardcore.
A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 1 by Luca Satana
They drove for hours. They weren’t sure what they were gonna do. Or where they were gonna go. So, they drove up to the White Mountains. There, they found a not so nice, but barely occupied, strip hotel and decided to stay. For how long, neither one knew. All they knew was they were alone. Together. Mother and son.
Eldon And The Sorority House Zombie Apocalypse: Day 1 (Part 1) by Byzantine Thomas
It’s a zombie apocalypse and there’s nowhere to run! Unless, of course, you’re Eldon Colquitt, a college sophomore, who hasn’t got lucky in over seven years. When the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan, Eldon had no interest in running. That’s because when the zombie apocalypse went down, Eldon was holed up in a sorority house. And suddenly Eldon got lucky. Very lucky!
Holy Fuck I Think I’m Dating My Cute-As-A-Button Irresistible Little Mom: Date 1 (Part 1) by Luca Satana
After my mom and dad’s divorce, my mom insisted she needed help learning how to date again. Before I could ask my mom to elaborate, my wife volunteered me to help her. I guffawed, thinking it was a bad joke. Not at all. I told myself, why couldn’t I help my mom? However, it wasn’t long before I was telling myself, holy fuck, I think I’m dating my cute-as-a-button irresistible little mom.
Wisher: Episode 1 (Part 1) by Byzantine Thomas
Wez Kessler was a good boy. Handsome. Good-natured. A rule-follower. As a teen, he felt alone. Lost. Depressed. As he entered college, he felt back on track again. Then he started hearing voices. A female voice. Giggling. It affected every aspect of his life. Making him hate his life. Lucky for Wez, his entire life was about to change? Lucky for Wez, his every wish was about to come true.
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