LOF New Release: In The Future It Will Be A Lot Harder To Put A Smile On Your Daughter’s Face: Episode 2

In The Future It Will Be A Lot Harder To Put A Smile On Your Daughter's Face: Episode 2

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

In The Future It Will Be a Lot Harder To Put A Smile On Your Daughter’s Face: Episode 2 by Tura Brasi

Being from the twentieth century, there was a lot of things to get used, none bigger than how hard it was to put a smile on your daughter’s face.

In The Future It Will Be A Lot Harder To Put A Smile On Your Daughter's Face: Episode 2Being from the twentieth century, there was a lot of things to get used to, none bigger than how hard it was to put a smile on my daughter’s face. My wife Ora. My son Cyl. My wife’s parents Wel and Ari. Dr. Gol. Our friends. And most of all, our daughter Cya. They all looked at me like I was mad. Or just a primitive. With primitive ideals. From several centuries prior.

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The Mother-Fuckers Club: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4)

The Mother-Fuckers Club: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The Mother-Fuckers Club: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4) by Luca Satana

Tommy Pendleton and his friends are mother-fuckers, literally. So, why not start a club. A Mother-Fuckers Club?

Tommy Pendleton was a very savvy, very put-together 18-year-old young man. Not your typical 18-year-old by any stretch of the imagination. However, this didn’t mean he wasn’t susceptible to the usual slings and arrows of teenage life, as far as the angst and alienation of high school. And it certainly didn’t help when his mother married some old rich fuck from New England and moved Tommy, midway through his senior year, away from all his friends, what little he had, and put him in a completely new environment. Tommy was not happy. And he was pissed. And he didn’t want to do anything the way he did before. He didn’t really have time, anyway. He just got to this school and didn’t know a soul. He wanted to take a completely different approach to basically everything, especially how he got pussy. And when his mother told him for the umpteenth time how sorry she was for uprooting him away from all his friends and everything he ever knew in life and how she would do anything to help ease his transition into his new school and his new life, Tommy finally decided to take his mother up on her offer. And thus, laid the groundwork for what would eventually become The Mother-Fuckers Club.

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