LOF New Release: Now That’s Some Serious Fucking Campaigning: Episode 1 (Kimbie Ballard, Wife Of Ton Ballard Candidate For U.S. Senate)

Now That's Some Serious Fucking Campaigning: Episode 1 (Kimbie Ballard, Wife of Ton Ballard, Candidate for U.S. Senate)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Now That’s Some Serious Fucking Campaigning: Episode 1 (Kimbie Ballard, Wife Of Ton Ballard Candidate For U.S. Senate) by Byzantine Thomas

I’m not usually political, but when one candidate’s campaigners made me come like crazy, that all changed. Now, that’s some serious fucking campaigning.

Now That's Some Serious Fucking Campaigning: Episode 1 (Kimbie Ballard, Wife of Ton Ballard, Candidate for U.S. Senate)Okay, so, I pretty much don’t give two shits about politics. I could care less which fat cat fuck occupies some position of power. They’re all crooks. So, why give a shit?

However, that all changed, dramatically, this last election, when one candidate in particular, or at least those campaigning under him, really turned me on to politics for the first time, making me come like crazy, especially when they did that little thing they did, to the very tip of my…what was I talking about?

Now, that’s some serious fucking campaigning.


Kimbie sat down on the love seat, setting her purse and tote bag full of pamphlets and shit neatly down next to her.

I sat on the couch.

“So, why don’t you tell me about where you stand, politically.”


“Oh, I see.”

“Sorry. I just don’t give a shit. Excuse my French.”

“No, no need. I understand.”

“Mainly because, well, mainly, politicians all seem, well, like scum. They’re not the worst kind of scum. They’re not child molesters. Or televangelists. They’re a little bit better than those. But, they’re still, technically, scum.”

Kimbie gulped. I thought she might start to cry. Or hit me.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say all that. I’m sorry. That was rude. I’m just in a mood. I was writing. I was in the middle of something. And I just figured out where I want the protagonist to go in the next episode, and how I want to get him there. And I was writing full steam ahead. It’s erotica, so I’m basically a living and breathing horndog the whole time I’m in my office writing it. So, even while I’m sitting here, I’m suffering through some serious blue balls, which doesn’t exactly help the mood I’m in. So, please, forgive me. I didn’t mean to offend you.” I grimaced, I’m sure, after all that.

“That sounds like quite the dilemma.” She gulped again, sitting up slightly. “And, do forgive me, for interrupting you, and your writing.”

“That’s all right.” I smiled, halfway surprised she hadn’t bolted after hearing any number of the awful things I had said. To tell you the truth, I felt almost bad for trying to run her off.

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LOF New Release: Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 1 (Shot 1-18)

Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 1 (Shot 1-18)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 1 (Shot 1-18) by Tura Brasi

Giving my mom every shot is a small price to pay. For all her love. All her commitment. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt she is an extraordinary cocksucker.

Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 1 (Shot 1-18)I don’t exactly remember what happened, or how I agreed to it, but, at the time, it didn’t seem all that unreasonable, and my mom didn’t seem all that unreasonable, or selfish. In fact, at the time, I was happy to do it, very happy. Especially considering everything my mom did for me, with her troubled pregnancy, and all my various ailments along the way. Why shouldn’t I promise every shot to her? After all, she is my mom. And I literally owe her everything. If you ask me, I’m getting off easy. Giving her every shot is a small price to pay, in my opinion. For all her love. And all her commitment. Of course, it doesn’t hurt my mom is an extraordinary cocksucker.

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