LOF New Release: My Daughter Thinks I’m An Acquired Taste: Episode 1

My Daughter Thinks I'm An Acquired Taste: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

My Daughter Thinks I’m An Acquired Taste: Episode 1 by Tura Brasi

Some things you simply cannot pawn off because it makes you uncomfortable, like familiarizing your daughter with the taste of your stuff.

My Daughter Thinks I'm An Acquired Taste: Episode 1Okay, so I haven’t always got along with my middle daughter Lydia. I don’t know what it is. And now that she’s already 20-years-old, I’m starting to worry I might never get the chance to familiarized her with the taste of, well, stuff. Believe you me, it’s not like I want to do this. But I am her father. And there are some things you simply cannot pawn off because it makes you uncomfortable. It’s just part of being a good father and regardless of what my daughter might think of me, I’m not about to cheat her out of this very important part of growing up. And who knows, maybe with time, and lots of, well, stuff, our relationship can change, or even, possibly, improve. I certainly hope so.

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LOF New Release: The Last Member To Join The Everybody Who Fucked My Daughter Up The Ass Club: Episode 1

The Last Member To Join The Everybody Who Fucked My Daughter Up The Ass Club: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The Last Member To Join The Everybody Who Fucked My Daughter Up The Ass Club: Episode 1 by Luca Satana

It sucks being the last to know. Especially when it comes to knowing your daughter. Especially when it comes to knowing her asshole.

The Last Member To Join The Everybody Who Fucked My Daughter Up The Ass Club: Episode 1Gannon Mayhew was a very nice, very understanding handsome 43-year-old man. His daughter Holly was an even nicer, even more understanding, and about 12 times more handsome, or beautiful, 20-year-old young woman. Gannon and Holly were very close. Always had been. Sure, Holly’s mother was an integral part of her upbringing, but it was her father she tended to rely on for most of her learning, advisement, humor, and just about everything else. Well, almost everything. Apparently.


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LOF New Release: Glad To See My Mom & My Daughter Getting Along: Episode 2

Glad To See My Mom & My Daughter Getting Along: Episode 2

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Glad To See My Mom And My Daughter Are Getting Along: Episode 2 by Luca Satana

For whatever part I, or more specifically my cock, played in the unlikely alliance, I’m just glad to see my mom and my daughter are getting along.

Glad To See My Mom & My Daughter Getting Along: Episode 2


I know it’s not the best way to sow for peace, but it’s certainly not the worst way. And for whatever part I, or more specifically my cock, played in the unlikely alliance, I’m just glad to see my mom and my daughter are getting along.

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LOF New Release: If You Can Look Past All The Intense Blowjobs She Gives My Daughter Is A Really Nice Girl Episode 1

Daughter's Intense Blowjobs

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

If You Can Look Past All The Intense Blowjobs She Gives My Daughter Is A Really Nice Girl
Episode 1 by Luca Satana

All I wanted to do was discover alternative uses for Spam, but now all I do is suffer through one of my daughter’s intense blowjobs after another.

Daughters Intense Blowjobs

I’m not going to tell you my real name. Nor will I tell you my daughter’s real name. Not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t. You see, several years back, we were part of a government research project. I won’t get into specifics, but it involved Spam. Lots of Spam. You see, after World War II, the government had more Spam than they knew what to do with. So, they enlisted me, an inventor, and generally inquisitive person, to conduct a series of experiments, to, possibly, if possible, find alternative uses for all this Spam. In order to give me the optimal environment for this endeavor, I was housed in a house in the middle of nowhere. Honestly, at the time, it was out there. I didn’t even know what state I was in. The house was a typical two-story house, with all the typical amenities, equipped with electricity and plumbing, and a generator and septic system. The only thing we were lacking was a limitless supply of food, unless you count Spam, which we had coming out of our ears. To go along with the Spam, we had coffee, tea, Tang, and powdered milk. We also had Jimmy, our supply officer, who, at the beginning of each month, brought us supplies, usually more coffee, tea, Tang, and powdered milk, but sometimes something else, like TV dinners or popcorn or, once, bagels. This is the way we lived. Each and every day, I carried out my quest to find alternative uses for Spam and my daughter carried out her quest to complete her home-schooling lessons, or watched videos, or read, or tanned, or sometimes assisted me. However, this all changed on the day my daughter turned 18. As much as I tried to maintain my once stellar productivity, I’m afraid my quest to find alternative uses for Spam slowed considerably, as I was forced to temporarily step aside to give my daughter my undivided attention, as my motto has always been family comes first, as I tried, as patiently as I could, to assuage my daughter’s apparent unquenchable thirst for this newfound food source, which was, regretfully, me. Regardless of this unforeseeable dip in productivity, I was determined to get on track. Just as soon as I, and my daughter, were able, as I deeply believed, if you could look past all the intense blowjobs she gives, my daughter was a really nice girl.

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