LOF New Release: According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1

According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1 by Luca Satana

According to my grandma whatever happens in the bathtub stays in the bathtub, but I’m not sure if that’s true. But I guess we’re about to find out.

According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1According to my grandma, whatever happens in the bathtub stays in the bathtub. But I don’t think that’s true. I’m not sure if it ever is. Like when they say whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I think the film The Hangover proves that. Because I don’t think any of their shenanigans stay in Vegas. On the other hand, the film Leaving Las Vegas totally proves it, since Nicolas Cage, I’m pretty sure – spoiler alert – definitely ends up staying in Vegas.


I guess you could say I like movies. I also like my grandma. But not this much! And certainly not as much as she likes me. Holy shit!

It started when my mom wanted us out of her hair, meaning my sister Angela and me – I’m Che – not short for Che Higuera the cool-ass revolutionary everybody wears T-shirts about all the time, but short for cherub, which is kind of dumb, I know, but my mom, I guess, was like I named my daughter Angela, after angels, so I’ll name my son after cherubs, which, in case you didn’t know, are those fat little fuck angels always shooting arrows at folks. Or is that cupid? I guess they could be considered one in the same. Or perhaps Cupid is an example of a cherub. I’ll have to look that up. Or you could. I’m busy. I gotta get this shit out. Before I forget it. As if I ever could.

The funny thing is my sister is named Angela, after angels, but, dude, my sister is no angel. You’ll probably figure that out later.

Nor am I, I guess, to be fair.

But my grandma is something else entirely.

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LOF New Release: (Don’t Worry) With My Mom It’s All About Weights And Measures And Facts And Figures: Episode Two

(Don't Worry) With My Mom It's All About Weights And Measures And Facts And Figures: Episode Two

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

(Don’t Worry) With My Mom It’s All About Weights And Measures And Facts And Figures: Episode Two by Luca Satana

Don’t worry, with my mom it’s all about weights and measures and facts and figures. Who’s worried? I’m not. Well. Maybe a little bit.

(Don't Worry) With My Mom It's All About Weights And Measures And Facts And Figures: Episode TwoTo whom it may concern: Don’t worry, with my mom it’s all about weights and measures and facts and figures, so there’s no cause for concern. So don’t be. Concerned, I mean. I mean, not that you would be concerned. Only that it’s all quite scientific. Or at least that’s what it seems like. From where I’m standing/sitting/lying/etc. Not to mention, all quite awesome! Again, from where I’m standing/sitting/lying/etc. So don’t worry.


Shortly thereafter, I guess maybe to regroup, or to take a minute or two to wrap my head around what just happened, I just sort of sat there on my bed. Just me and my, well, reanimated rock-hard cock, which, at least from where I was sitting, seemed almost unabashed, or, at the very least, borderline mocking me, completely unapologetic for the part it played in the whole affair, which some might consider wasn’t that big, given it was in some ways just an innocent bystander along for the ride, while others might consider it absolutely integral, since, technically, none of it could have happened without it being there, and without it filling and refilling my mom’s mouth with all that cum.

I think my mom might concur. At least that’s what it seemed like when she appeared in my room.

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LOF New Release: (Don’t Worry) With My Mom It’s All About Weights And Measures And Facts And Figures: Episode One

(Don't Worry) With My Mom It's All About Weights And Measures An

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

(Don’t Worry) With My Mom It’s All About Weights And Measures And Facts And Figures: Episode One by Luca Satana

Don’t worry, with my mom it’s all about weights and measures and facts and figures. Who’s worried? I’m not. Well. Maybe a little bit.

(Don't Worry) With My Mom It's All About Weights And Measures AnTo whom it may concern: Don’t worry, with my mom it’s all about weights and measures and facts and figures, so there’s no cause for concern. So don’t be. Concerned, I mean. I mean, not that you would be concerned. Only that it’s all quite scientific. Or at least that’s what it seems like. From where I’m standing/sitting/lying/etc. Not to mention, all quite awesome! Again, from where I’m standing/sitting/lying/etc. So don’t worry.


It all happened rather quickly. So quickly in fact, I challenge you to see how any of this could have been avoided.

I was just starting to come to. It was the morning of my 18th birthday. And my mom was calling me to wherever she was.

By the time I came to, enough that I could walk – that is, without banging up against the walls, etc. – I discovered my mom in the bathroom. She was in a thick white cotton robe and standing next to her new scale.

“Holly, first and foremost, Mommy would like to wish you a very happy birthday,” my mom said, with as much feeling as she could muster, as she moved closer to give me an abbreviated hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks, Mom,” I said, wondering what I was doing standing there in the bathroom with my mom.

“You may be wondering why you’re standing here in the bathroom with your mom.”

“Yup. The thought did cross my mind.”

“Well. Now, that you’re 18, Mommy feels there are experiments we can do, that before, might have been, well, grossly inappropriate.”

“Oh. Okay. Not just inappropriate? Grossly inappropriate?”


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