Why’s Everybody Always Ganging Up On Mom?: Episode 2

Why's Everybody Always Ganging Up On Mom? Episode 2

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Why’s Everybody Always Ganging Up On Mom?: Episode 2 by Luca Satana

This is a series about one son’s quest to find out why everybody’s always ganging up on his mom. After all, he loves his mom. Maybe a little too much.

Why's Everybody Always Ganging Up On Mom? Episode 2Why’s everybody always ganging up on Mom? That question has filled my mind my whole life. First, when I was still living with my mom and dad. Then, when I was 12, and us kids were forced to go live with our grandma. Then, again, when we were steadily permitted, one by one, to move back in with my mom and dad, with me being the last. I was 18, now. And I was bound and determined, more than ever, to find out. After all, I loved my mom. Probably more than anybody in the world. And I just knew she didn’t deserve always being ganged up on. And I didn’t care what I had to do to prove it.

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LOF New Release: Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth (Featuring Carla & Jacob)

Seven Minutes In Your Mom's Mouth: Carla & Jacob

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth: Featuring Carla & Jacob by Luca Satana

It’s America’s favorite game show, Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth! With your host, Bigger Johnson.

Seven Minute's In Your Mom's MouthWelcome to America’s Favorite Game Show! Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth! With your host, Bigger Johnson.

This week’s episode features San Diego waitress Carla and her 18-year-old son Jacob. 

Each week, the sick twists who bring you Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth travel all over this wonderful land of ours, and offer wads of cash to hard-working individuals if they can do one thing: last Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth. If they can, then whammy, they win the money! And, that’s not all! Afterwards, they can go for double or nothing, and let Bigger Johnson try to last Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth, and if he can’t (and he usually can’t), double whammy, they double their money, but, on the rare occasions when he can, then, sorry, they lose it all. Now, if this hard-working individual can’t last Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth, it’s not all bad, after all, they did just get to bust a nut in their mom’s mouth, and that’s certainly worth something. Plus, because the sick twists who bring you Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth hate to see anyone go home empty-handed, if their mom swallows, well, half whammy, that’s worth half the cash! Plus, there’s always extra cash available for each and every Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth sick twist their mom drains! This way, everyone wins! And that’s why everyone loves Seven Minutes In Your Mom’s Mouth!

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And That's Why You Should Never Let Your Extremely Hot And Horny Completely Naked Daughter Sleep With You: Episode 1LOF All-Time Best Seller!


LOF New Release: My High-Maintenance Moms: Episode 1 (My Mom Geneva) By Luca Satana


Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

My High-Maintenance Moms: Episode 1 (My Mom Geneva) by Luca Satana

A story about my two really sexy lesbian high-maintenance moms wanting, or more like needing me to fuck them all the time.

If you think it’s hot to have a really pretty – and let’s face it – really sexy lesbian mom, then you’re not exactly mistaken. It is hot. However, when she, one day, say, on your 21st birthday, suddenly turns around and wants to fuck you, possibly ten to twenty times more than she wants to fuck your other lesbian mom, perhaps for the novelty of it, who knows, and even insists, at some point, that you also fuck your other lesbian mom, perhaps for the inclusiveness of it, as a family, well, that’s not hot, that’s downright scalding hot. And time-consuming. And not to mention, cum-consuming. And, to be honest, not exactly a very pragmatic way to live. Especially when you have your own life to live. I mean, it’s not exactly easy balancing a masters of business administration program, a highly competitive internship, and a fiancée, who is quite high-maintenance in her own right, with two moms, two high-maintenance moms wanting, needing you to fuck them all the time. But, alas, we all have our lot in life, and this one happens to be mine.

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