LOF New Release: This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 4

This Is Some Fucked-Up Home-Schooling Mom: Episode 4

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 4 by Tura Brasi

I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? I wanna be a rocker! So, now, my mom is homeschooling me, in her own fucked-up way. Ugh!

This Is Some Fucked-Up Home-Schooling Mom: Episode 4I’m not weird. Or bad. Just misunderstood. My mom, and my sister for that matter, both think they know me. But, they don’t. I don’t apply myself because I don’t wanna apply myself. I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? When all I wanna be is, well, a rocker. And, I’m gonna be a rocker. I am!

But, all I keep hearing are those words, “As long as you’re living under my roof, you will go to school,” which were my dad’s words, delivered at the top of his lungs, with some real mean pipes, I might add, like Bruce Dickinson pipes, well, maybe not that mean, before my dad up and had a coronary, probably from all that yelling at the top of his lungs, or maybe, more than likely, from all my mom’s blowjobs, we’re talking mean blowjobs, which I can say, sadly, from experience now, could definitely kill somebody, or at least maim them, not unlike a head-on collision with one of my mom’s mammoth ta-tas, which were Guinness Book ta-tas, my mom and my sisters’ both.

So, now, I’m stuck. Now, to go along with my dad’s ghost yelling at me at the top of its ghostly lungs, everyone and their mother seems to think I need to finish school, even my twisted fuck of a grandpa, telling my mom if she can’t get me, the heir to some kind of small fortune, to graduate he’s gonna pull the plug on us, financially, what a prick, like it’s my mom or my sister’s fault I don’t wanna go to school.

Regardless, that’s where I am. Thoroughly stuck. And, that’s where my mom is, thoroughly stuck, thinking she has to get me graduated, somehow, someway, including homeschooling me, in her own, well, fucked-up way of homeschooling. Ugh.

And, if you ask me, this is all very unrocker. I mean, Angus Young wouldn’t put up with this bullshit.

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LOF New Release: This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 3

This Is Some Fucked-Up Home-Schooling Mom: Episode 3

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 3 by Tura Brasi

I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? I wanna be a rocker! So, now, my mom is homeschooling me, in her own fucked-up way. Ugh!

This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 3I’m not weird. Or bad. Just misunderstood. My mom, and my sister for that matter, both think they know me. But, they don’t. I don’t apply myself because I don’t wanna apply myself. I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? When all I wanna be is, well, a rocker. And, I’m gonna be a rocker. I am!

But, all I keep hearing are those words, “As long as you’re living under my roof, you will go to school,” which were my dad’s words, delivered at the top of his lungs, with some real mean pipes, I might add, like Bruce Dickinson pipes, well, maybe not that mean, before my dad up and had a coronary, probably from all that yelling at the top of his lungs, or maybe, more than likely, from all my mom’s blowjobs, we’re talking mean blowjobs, which I can say, sadly, from experience now, could definitely kill somebody, or at least maim them, not unlike a head-on collision with one of my mom’s mammoth ta-tas, which were Guinness Book ta-tas, my mom and my sisters’ both.

So, now, I’m stuck. Now, to go along with my dad’s ghost yelling at me at the top of its ghostly lungs, everyone and their mother seems to think I need to finish school, even my twisted fuck of a grandpa, telling my mom if she can’t get me, the heir to some kind of small fortune, to graduate he’s gonna pull the plug on us, financially, what a prick, like it’s my mom or my sister’s fault I don’t wanna go to school.

Regardless, that’s where I am. Thoroughly stuck. And, that’s where my mom is, thoroughly stuck, thinking she has to get me graduated, somehow, someway, including homeschooling me, in her own, well, fucked-up way of homeschooling. Ugh.

And, if you ask me, this is all very unrocker. I mean, Angus Young wouldn’t put up with this bullshit.

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LOF New Release: This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 2

This Is Some Fucked-Up Home-Schooling Mom: Episode 2

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

This Is Some Fucked-Up Homeschooling Mom: Episode 2 by Tura Brasi

I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? I wanna be a rocker! So, now, my mom is homeschooling me, in her own fucked-up way. Ugh!

This Is Some Fucked-Up Home-Schooling Mom: Episode 2I’m not weird. Or bad. Just misunderstood. My mom, and my sister for that matter, both think they know me. But, they don’t. I don’t apply myself because I don’t wanna apply myself. I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? When all I wanna be is, well, a rocker. And, I’m gonna be a rocker. I am!

But, all I keep hearing are those words, “As long as you’re living under my roof, you will go to school,” which were my dad’s words, delivered at the top of his lungs, with some real mean pipes, I might add, like Bruce Dickinson pipes, well, maybe not that mean, before my dad up and had a coronary, probably from all that yelling at the top of his lungs, or maybe, more than likely, from all my mom’s blowjobs, we’re talking mean blowjobs, which I can say, sadly, from experience now, could definitely kill somebody, or at least maim them, not unlike a head-on collision with one of my mom’s mammoth ta-tas, which were Guinness Book ta-tas, my mom and my sisters’ both.

So, now, I’m stuck. Now, to go along with my dad’s ghost yelling at me at the top of its ghostly lungs, everyone and their mother seems to think I need to finish school, even my twisted fuck of a grandpa, telling my mom if she can’t get me, the heir to some kind of small fortune, to graduate he’s gonna pull the plug on us, financially, what a prick, like it’s my mom or my sister’s fault I don’t wanna go to school.

Regardless, that’s where I am. Thoroughly stuck. And, that’s where my mom is, thoroughly stuck, thinking she has to get me graduated, somehow, someway, including homeschooling me, in her own, well, fucked-up way of homeschooling. Ugh.

And, if you ask me, this is all very unrocker. I mean, Angus Young wouldn’t put up with this bullshit.

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LOF New Release: The House Where Families Get Things Resolved: Episode 1 (Sharon And Her Son Tom)


Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The House Where Families Get Things Resolved: Episode 1 (Sharon And Her Son Tom) by Tura Brasi

Finally, a house where families get things resolved. You know, a place where families can really fuck things out.

Sometimes it’s necessary to take the family out of their living environment and go to a new, preferably neutral place, where they can be together, but also alone, to face whatever might be ailing them, and finally get things resolved. And that’s what this house is. A house where families get things resolved.

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LOF New Release: Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 3 (Shot 418-451)

Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 3 (Shot 418-451)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 3 (Shot 418-451) by Tura Brasi

Giving my mom every shot is a small price to pay. For all her love. All her commitment. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt she is an extraordinary cocksucker.

Mommy Wants Every Shot: Episode 3 (Shot 418-451)I don’t exactly remember what happened, or how I agreed to it, but, at the time, it didn’t seem all that unreasonable, and my mom didn’t seem all that unreasonable, or selfish. In fact, at the time, I was happy to do it, very happy. Especially considering everything my mom did for me, with her troubled pregnancy, and all my various ailments along the way. Why shouldn’t I promise every shot to her? After all, she is my mom. And I literally owe her everything. If you ask me, I’m getting off easy. Giving her every shot is a small price to pay, in my opinion. For all her love. And all her commitment. Of course, it doesn’t hurt my mom is an extraordinary cocksucker.

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