LOF New Release: School Sucks: Episode 4 (Introducing My School Vice Principal & Godmother Lillian Mills)

School Sucks: Episode 4

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

(Maybe I Was Wrong When I Said) School Sucks (Or Maybe I Was Really Right): Episode 4 (Introducing My School Vice Principal & Godmother Lillian Mills) by Byzantine Thomas

The gorgeous FNHS faculty have a mission to convince a well-endowed new student he was wrong to say school sucks, or maybe he was really right.

School Sucks: Episode 4Conor Puck was a well-mannered, well-behaved, and, well, well-endowed 18-year-old stranger in a strange land, and a strange school: Florence Nightingale High School in Serenity Springs, an aptly-named small town in Western New York. It was midway through Conor’s senior year and not knowing anyone or any of the local do’s and don’ts was making for an even harder than expected transition. As it turned out, and much to Conor’s consternation, he wasn’t the social chameleon he believed himself to be. Even, at times, wishing he never came to this new place and this new school.

So, was it really all that surprising when Conor’s very sweet and very well-meaning, and alarmingly young English teacher Giulia Moss gave him an assignment to write about how he truly felt, about life, and where he was, and how he was living, insisting he be brutally honest, and to pull no punches, that he turned in a paper entitled: School Sucks? Sure, it might have been a gross over-simplification of his life, given how shitty his life had always been, right up until this point, quite independent of this new place or new school, but nonetheless, Miss Moss was moved, and a tad flabbergasted, by Conor’s arresting, calculating, venomous piece. So much so, in fact, she felt compelled, even obligated, to share it with the rest of the faculty at FNHS. 

After all, in today’s society, you can never be too careful about these things. 

And so, once Conor’s piece was passed around, all around the predominately all-female faculty at FNHS, even in and out of the hands of the vice principal Lillian Mills, who happened to be Conor’s Godmother, with whom he lived, after the initial hurt and hard feelings, they were all almost immediately given over to the solitary notion, an almost collectively, self-imposed mission, to utterly convince this young stranger in a strange land, that maybe, just maybe, he was wrong about school, especially their beloved FNHS, or, as it just so happens, maybe he was really right.

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LOF New Release: Oggy Gobbins Comes Alive! 4-Pack 1 (First Time Ever! – Fourth Time Ever!)


Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Oggy Gobbins Comes Alive! 4-Pack 1 (First Time Ever! – Fourth Time Ever!) by Luca Satana

Oggy Gobbins has given up trying to keep his cum at bey. So, from now on, his mom, his sisters, and whoever else, are gonna have to do it for him.

Oggy Gobbins Comes Alive: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4)You really have to feel for a young man like Oggy Gobbins. Just 18 years old and he’s already given up on life. Well, can you blame him? Ever since his adolescence, Oggy’s had to beat his meat at least a couple times a day just to keep his exorbitant amount of cum at bey. After all these years, the task is just too great, his cum is just too great, and he’s ready to give up and just let his over-producing cum-filled balls take over. And if that means total cock blockage down below and imminent death, then so be it, because Oggy has decided he is never ever going to rub another one out as long as he lives. So, from now on, if anybody gives a shit, Oggy’s mom, his sisters, and whoever else is around, they’re just gonna have to do it for him, because Oggy has had enough!

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