LOF New Release: The Best Shot: Episode 3: Aunt Beca Wants To Give You The Best Shot At Acing All Her Orifices

The Best Shot: Episode 3: Aunt Beca Wants To Give You The Best Shot At Acing All Her Orifices

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The Best Shot: Episode 3: Aunt Beca Wants To Give You The Best Shot At Acing All Her Orifices by Luca Satana

Okay, so what are you supposed to do when your aunt says, “Aunt Beca wants to give you the best shot at acing all her orifices.”?

The Best Shot: Episode 3: Aunt Beca Wants To Give You The Best Shot At Acing All Her OrificesFor a pretty healthy, mostly normal 18-year-old guy, I think everything was going just fine in my life. So, I wasn’t the most sexual person in the world. I had my future to think about. Who had time for things like girls? Sex? Etc.? Little did I know, those were the exact things that would have protected me from what was about to happen in my life. My totally fucked-up, out-there, life.


After all that, well, enlightenment with my mom, the next morning I woke with probably the biggest raging rock-hard cock ever. As far as I could remember, this sort of thing never really happened much before. The thing was monstrous. And didn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Going wherever I went. Moving wherever I moved. Even following me into the shower.

So, there I was, just showering away, trying my best to circumnavigate this gargantuan cock, which seemed hellbent on upsetting my balance, as evidenced by, more than once, accidentally hitting the shower curtain and knocking over my mom’s body wash.

To be honest, I really didn’t know what to do with this undying monstrosity. Thanks to that fuck-face Dr. Phil, my mom really wanted me to masturbate more. And yet, she also didn’t want me to masturbate. Basically, because, like everything else in my life, she wanted to do it for me. Okay, that’s all well and good, but here I was, in the shower, with this Guinness Book pain-in-the-ass, and my mom was nowhere in sight!

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LOF New Release: A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 20

A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 20

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 20 by Luca Satana

To Eric’s chagrin, what he believed was an act of chivalry, an innocent mother-son getaway, has turned into a not so innocent mother-son fuck-fest.

A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 20Eric Brennan was a handsome 18-year-old young man who really wanted to help his mother. He knew his father was no good for his mother. He was mean. Abusive. Controlling. In fact, the only good thing he ever did for her was fuck her. A lot. Eric knew this from all the years growing up in the house and hearing them going at it. Especially his mother, who was a particularly loud lover.

And so, Eric decided he would confront his mother on Spring Break. First thing he did was pack his suitcase and his mother’s suitcase. Then he took a deep breath and approached his mother.

Sabrina Brennan was a very pretty and very sweet 41-year-old woman. But she needed help. The sad thing was she didn’t even realize it. Not until that fateful day when her son pointed it out to her. Suddenly her eyes were opened. And so, she agreed.

With it already being late in the day, they had to move quickly. Sabrina was surprised to see that her son had already packed her suitcase. She checked it. No lingerie. One of her favorite things to wear. This simply would not do. So, she threw in all her lingerie and skimpy underwear and tried to get her suitcase closed again. No such luck. However, after considerable effort, which included sitting on it, then standing on it, then sitting on it again, thankfully, she was able to do so.

Finally, they were off!

They drove for hours. They weren’t sure what they were gonna do. Or where they were gonna go. So, they drove up to the White Mountains. There, they found a not so nice, but barely occupied, strip hotel and decided to stay. For how long, neither one knew. All they knew was they were alone. Together. Mother and son.

There, they could plot out their next move. And start a life, anew. With Eric’s father and Sabrina’s husband finally gone, completely out of the picture.

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LOF New Release: A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight: Episode 3

A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight: Episode 3

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight: Episode 3 by Tura Brasi

Growing up, I’d been a little dick to everyone. And, now, it was payback time, compliments of my mom, my aunt, and grandma.

A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight: Episode 3Okay, to be fair, I guess, growing up, I’d been a little dick to everyone for a long time. So, in a way, I guess, I had it coming. I don’t know. And, now, it was payback time, compliments of Viper, The Black Widow, and Justice; AKA my mom, my aunt, and grandma.

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LOF New Release: A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 19

A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 19

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 19 by Luca Satana

To Eric’s chagrin, what he believed was an act of chivalry, an innocent mother-son getaway, has turned into a not so innocent mother-son fuck-fest.

A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong: Episode 19Eric Brennan was a handsome 18-year-old young man who really wanted to help his mother. He knew his father was no good for his mother. He was mean. Abusive. Controlling. In fact, the only good thing he ever did for her was fuck her. A lot. Eric knew this from all the years growing up in the house and hearing them going at it. Especially his mother, who was a particularly loud lover.

And so, Eric decided he would confront his mother on Spring Break. First thing he did was pack his suitcase and his mother’s suitcase. Then he took a deep breath and approached his mother.

Sabrina Brennan was a very pretty and very sweet 41-year-old woman. But she needed help. The sad thing was she didn’t even realize it. Not until that fateful day when her son pointed it out to her. Suddenly her eyes were opened. And so, she agreed.

With it already being late in the day, they had to move quickly. Sabrina was surprised to see that her son had already packed her suitcase. She checked it. No lingerie. One of her favorite things to wear. This simply would not do. So, she threw in all her lingerie and skimpy underwear and tried to get her suitcase closed again. No such luck. However, after considerable effort, which included sitting on it, then standing on it, then sitting on it again, thankfully, she was able to do so.

Finally, they were off!

They drove for hours. They weren’t sure what they were gonna do. Or where they were gonna go. So, they drove up to the White Mountains. There, they found a not so nice, but barely occupied, strip hotel and decided to stay. For how long, neither one knew. All they knew was they were alone. Together. Mother and son.

There, they could plot out their next move. And start a life, anew. With Eric’s father and Sabrina’s husband finally gone, completely out of the picture.

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LOF New Release: A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight: Episode 1

A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3 1/2 Years Straight: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight: Episode 1 by Tura Brasi

Growing up, I’d been a little dick to everyone. And, now, it was payback time, compliments of my mom, my aunt, and grandma.

A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3 1/2 Years Straight: Episode 1Okay, to be fair, I guess, growing up, I’d been a little dick to everyone for a long time. So, in a way, I guess, I had it coming. I don’t know. And, now, it was payback time, compliments of Viper, The Black Widow, and Justice; AKA my mom, my aunt, and grandma.

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