In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too!

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 1

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 1In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! by Luca Satana

In addition to everything else going on in my life, with this being my senior year and having to get ready for college, I also have an alarming amount of homework, baseball, chess club, my job at the hardware store, and all my house chores, and now I have to get my mom pregnant, too! If you ask me, the whole thing is fucking bullshit!

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too Season 1In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Season 1 (Episode 1-7) *Get 25% off coupon code*

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 1


I just got home from school when my parents dropped the bomb on me. Like I really needed this! I had an AP Bio test on Friday and a term paper due on Thursday and here it was, already Tuesday, and I hadn’t even started the research!

We were sitting in our quaint, yet somewhat cluttered, living room. Or parlor, as my mom liked to call it. My mom liked to use underused words like that. I thought for sure my parents were gonna tell me they were getting a divorce. No, it was much worse.

“Brandy?” my parents said, almost clutching each other.

“What?” I said. “Mom, Dad, I have a shit-ton of homework to do.”

“We know. We’re so proud of you,” my mom said and smiled warmly.

“We really are,” my dad added, as he frowned at his gin and tonic, which he was trying to find a coaster for, but couldn’t, settling for a TV Guide.

“Thanks.” I looked around, feeling a little awkward. “Can I go, now?” I started to get up.

“Wait!” my dad said, rather sternly. “Now, hold on just a minute. Your mother and I have something we’d like to discuss with you.”

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4)“Okay.” I dropped back down.

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Season 1 (Episode 1-7) *Get 25% off coupon code*

“Brandy!” my mom suddenly blurted out, as she scooted up to the edge of the couch, a movement that made her loose blouse open slightly, making a bit of her cleavage appear more pronounced.

I tried not to stare.

“Your father and I have decided to have a baby!” my mom said.

“Oh, good,” I said, relieved. “For a minute there, I thought you guys were gonna say you were getting a divorce.”

My parents smirked at each other. “What ever gave you that idea?” they said, scoffing, then giggling a little.

“On the contrary, we couldn’t be any happier,” my dad said, shaking his head incredulously at me. “What’s the matter with you?”

“Sorry.” I started to get up. “That’s great guys.”

“Wait there just a minute, young man,” my dad said, back to his stern tone again.

I dropped back down. “Yeah?” I sighed.

“This is a very big deal. A very big decision,” my dad said. “And we want you to be a part of it.”

“What? Yeah. Of course. I’m behind you guys 100%. Whatever you wanna do.” I started to get up again.

“That’s great, but that’s not what we mean,” my dad said.

I dropped back down, wondering what the fuck they were getting at.

“We’re no spring chickens,” my dad added.

I nodded.

“I’m 52 and your mother is 42.”

“I know.” I tried to think of something supportive. “With all the advances in modern medicine, I’m sure everything will be okay.”

“We hope so,” my dad said. They looked at each other and smiled. “But all the same, we’d like to give this baby the best chance we can.”

“Okay. Great.”

“We’ve been researching. A lot. And-”

“Your father has old sperm,” my mom suddenly interjected, giving my dad an endearing smile and a squeeze of his thigh.

I smirked.

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 1“Yes, it’s true. I’m 52. That’s not really old. But it’s old enough. Old enough to affect my sperm. So, if we want to give this baby the best chance, we’re gonna need some younger sperm. Virile. Vibrant. Full of life sperm.”

“Okay. So, a sperm bank? Sperm donor?”

“Well, we were thinking a donor,” my dad said.

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Season 1 (Episode 1-7) *Get 25% off coupon code*

“Okay. Great.” I nodded. “Sounds good. Sounds like you got it all worked out. Just be careful, we wouldn’t want some mass murderer’s sperm.” I smiled.

Mom and Dad smiled.

“Well, Brandy, you’re not a mass murderer, are you?” my mom said and giggled.

I stopped smiling.

“John, I think he’s gonna have a heart attack,” my mom said to my dad.

“Brando? It really isn’t all that strange. Really,” my dad said.

“It’s. Well. Incest.” I thought about it. “Isn’t it?”

“Oh, John, if he doesn’t like that part, he’s really not gonna like the next part.”

“What next part?” I said, as my lips started quivering.

“Your mother and I don’t like the idea of artificial insemination,” my dad said.

I sat back.

Mom and Dad smiled again.

“So, what exactly are you saying?” I said slowly.

“Brando, no need to get so dramatic, all we want you to do is have sex with your mother-” my dad started to say.

“Brandy, it’ll probably only be just a handful of times,” my mom interjected.

I stood up. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“Look, he is being dramatic, isn’t he?” Mom said.

“Well, it was your idea to name him Brando,” Dad added, reaching for his gin and tonic.

Feeling a little queasy, I sat back down. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 2In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 2


“Gloria, don’t you think you should give the boy’s cock a rest and go make dinner?” my dad said, as he stood and zipped up his slacks. After taking the last swig of his gin and tonic, my dad turned and checked his Blackberry.

With that, my mom finally unmouthed me, giving me a quick smile and a peck on the tip of my cock, before she rose to her feet and started fixing her blouse and skirt.

I watched her. I wanted her. I know. Weird. I know.

“Brando, don’t think just because you have a new chore-” my dad started to say without looking up from his Blackberry.

“John, don’t call it a chore,” my mom interjected.

“You’re right.” My dad nodded. “Brando, don’t think just because you have a new responsibility, you can start slacking on your school work. Now, what was it? Yes. I believe you have an AP Bio test to study for, just as soon as you get started on that term paper.”

“Okay,” I said, glancing one last time at my mom before I reluctantly put my semi-hard cock away inside my khakis. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 3In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 3


“Ah, fuck!” my dad roared, as he gave my mom one last extremely hard thrust, nearly knocking her off her knees, as he grimaced with loud and demonstrative pleasure.

The impact inside my mom must have really bowled her over, as she immediately closed her eyes and smiled, tilting her head slightly before lowering her face down to her folded arms.

For a few more seconds, my dad remained there, behind my mom, more than likely straining to empty every last bit of his cum inside her. Then my dad pulled out and stepped off the bed and rounded the corner of the bed and held his big thick cock out for my mom to suck. Only, my mom was still a little out of it, not readily noticing my dad’s cock. “Gloria? Wake up,” my dad said and snapped his fingers like he was a hypnotist and my mom was his latest shill.

My mom lifted and shook her head. “Oh, John, I’m sorry,” she said and opened her mouth, as she reached up and gripped and massaged my dad’s ass.

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Season 1 (Episode 1-7) *Get 25% off coupon code*

My dad immediately slid his thick and hairy cock inside my mom’s mouth. He closed his eyes and dropped his jaw, as he started to fuck my mom’s juicy lips, continuing to do so for several minutes.

In the midst of this, my dad noticed me standing there. “Brando? What are you doing dripping water all over the place?” my dad asked, annoyed.

“I don’t know,” I said, a little lost.

After one last long thrust inside my mom’s mouth, my dad left my mom’s mouth with a shiver and then headed over to the master bathroom. “Brando, be a good boy and help your mother clean up.”

“Clean up what?” I said rather densely as I stepped into the room.

My dad stopped in his tracks and just gave me an incredulous sneer.

I nodded. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 4In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 4


So, there I was, in study hall, working and working and working, mostly on my term paper, settling on a topic, heading over to the library to take out some books, perusing through said books, finding some passages to strengthen my argument, making an outline, and finally starting on the first draft.

As I worked and worked and worked, I couldn’t help thinking about my mom and what she said, “Your father was being a big bully when he made you take all those AP courses. Sometimes your father can be a real asshole.” No truer words had ever been spoken, I thought to myself, as I reached under my desk and squeezed my cock, which was aching something fierce. So this was what blue balls felt like. Wonderful.

As study hall came to an end, and I was putting the finishing touches on my term paper, I was feeling pretty good about things. At least whenever I was focusing on my term paper and not on the growing pain emanating from my cock and balls, which were seemingly teaming up against me to try and bring me to my knees.

All I had to do is make it through AP Calc, then AP Bio, then home, where I already had a date with my hand all lined up. I really needed to get this cum out of me. Seriously! Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 5In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 5


After school, chess club, and my shift at the hardware store, I was beat. And by the time I got home, I was famished, too. So, I made a beeline to the fridge. For some reason, I totally forgot about this fucking nazi diet my mom and dad were imposing on me. However, when I opened the fridge, I was quickly reminded. There it was, another fucking vegetable plate. Fuck my life! On top of the mound of vegetables, there was a pink index card with a message written in my mom’s very cute handwriting:

“Brandy, once you eat everything on your vegetable plate, you can have two small scoops from the roasted chicken and cream of mushroom casserole.”

I lifted the vegetable plate, and there was my mom’s super delicious roasted chicken and cream of mushroom casserole. By far, one of my favorite dishes, which seemed doubly cruel, especially after I gave my vegetable plate another look, with its innumerable carrot, celery, and cucumber slices, to go along with a Tupperware container of some kind of squash salad. Fuck! Man, did I wanna toss this fucking vegetable plate out the backdoor and just dig into that casserole.

But something stopped me.

That something was my dad. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 6In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 6


Dreaming of just about anything pales in comparison to waking up to my mom sucking my cock.

I looked up at my mom’s beautiful smiling face as she and her plump little tits hovered over my extremely hard saliva-soaked cock. “Hi sweetie,” my mom said and smiled warmly, before she dove back down to my long thick cock, sliding swiftly down to the base and back again with very little effort.

“Hi,” I said lightly, wincing at the maddening sensation, as my mom suddenly quit my cock to fill her mouth with my balls, letting them marinate in her mouth for several seconds while she jerked my shaft hard. “Fuck…” I uttered, unable to say much more.

While I enjoyed my mom’s latest blowjob, I started to look around, surprised to see I apparently spent the night in my mom and dad’s bed. The realization of this felt somehow strange. No stranger, I guess, then my mom downing my cock a couple more times before she unmouthed me and pinched my cock at the base.

“Your father’s in the shower,” my mom said. “He has to go in a little early today. So, we’re gonna have a little time together, just you and me. Isn’t that nice?”

“Sure, yeah,” I said, barely audible. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too: Episode 7In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! Episode 7


Ever since I was a child, I always felt at home on my mom’s college campus. I guess, because my mom taught there. It made me feel like I had connections, which I sort of did, and like I had some weird indirect power, which I didn’t, as I peered around at all the students passing to and fro, all worried about one professor or another, like maybe my mom, flunking them. In that way, I was like the pope, thinking I could absolve them, simply because I shared an audience with god, or in this case, my mom.

When I shared these thoughts with my parents, my mom giggled, thinking I was quite clever for a little shit, but she ultimately told me the only one who had power in that situation was the students themselves. They had the power to do well or not do well. She didn’t have any power in that situation, and as a result, she was no god, and as a result, I was no pope. My dad, on the other hand, slapped me across the face, pissed that I had the slightest notion of getting comfortable, in any capacity, on a community college campus, which he seemed to equate to Beirut, not for the danger element, but for the third-world, dead-end, hell-hole element. In his eyes, it was bad enough he had a wife who had to frequent such a god-forsaken place, but no son of his would ever do the same. And if I did, he would have a paternity test done at once. In his eyes, I was Ivy-League-bound or bust. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! But First Grandma Wants To Get My Head Screwed On Straight: Episode 8In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! But First Grandma Wants To Get My Head Screwed On Straight: Episode 8


More than anything, I found it insulting, embarrassing, the way my mom and I were being treated. Like misbehaving children. Punished. The whole thing left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Especially as I sat there on my bed with my grandma, while we listened to my dad and grandpa taking turns fucking my mom in my parents’ room.

“What’s the matter?” my grandma said, in my opinion rather densely. I think it would be obvious what was the matter.

For her denseness, I refused to answer, averting my glaring eyes.

“Brando, I understand your anger. I do. From where you’re sitting, you can’t see the possible consequences for your seemingly inconsequential actions. But, sweetheart, let me assure you, your actions do have consequences. Grave consequences. So, you must focus on your schoolwork. It is paramount. You simply must.”

I lied down, tired and drained from coming almost a dozen times with my mom. I think my grandma could sense that, as she stood up and started disrobing. Read More

In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! But First Grandma Wants To Get My Head Screwed On Straight Episode 9In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too! But First Grandma Wants To Get My Head Screwed On Straight: Episode 9


As twisted as this sort of studying technique might be, still, I had to say it had its merits. It certainly kept me on task. I felt so prepared for my AP Bio test, I couldn’t believe it. I felt like the next day, I was gonna be like Rain Man when I took that test.

So, then I started on my AP Calc stuff, which was pretty much just a mild refresher, given the nature of math, how you pretty much build as you go, assuming you’re all caught up, you pretty much know, or have to know everything along the way. Still, my grandma wasn’t about to simply accept it at face value, if I were to tell her I was pretty much all set for AP Calc. I had to do something. Show something. So, I opened up the textbook to the last lesson and went over it, and what-do-you-know, there were a few bits here and there that I actually did need to go over more closely.

As soon as I made this realization, that’s when Grandma smiled at me and lied down on her stomach, and after taking a moment to tuck her big beautiful breasts, which, at this point, were constantly on the loose, jiggling freely over her red and black lingerie top, underneath her chest, she pulled my text book over to her, setting it on the bump of her ass and laying it up her lower back, before she raised herself up on all-fours, waiting for me, I guess. Read More


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