It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants

It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 1

It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants

It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 1My mom is jarringly normal. And yet, she’s also nutty. Exceedingly. Certifiably. Hopelessly. Nutty. I’m not saying I’m not weird. Because, I am weird. But, my mom is totally out-there nutty. I never knew how nutty my mom truly was until the day I turned 18, and this totally out-there nutty side of my mom was unleashed on the world, and me. And, suddenly it became abundantly clear what my nutty mom always wants.

It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4)It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4) Get it for 25% Off!

It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 1


I don’t know if this story needs any build up. I mean, I didn’t get any build up. All I got was my last good night’s sleep. And then, the next morning, I turned 18. Then, BAM, a couple orderlies from the nearest loony bin pulled up and carried out my jarringly normal mom and left this new extra-nutty mom in her place. And, right in my bed!

When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see my nutty mom, my totally naked nutty mom sitting there in bed with me.

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It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 1“Hi, Jules,” my mom said, quite ecstatic. She was looking very pretty, with her big brown eyes and long curly brown hair, and looking a tad wet from a recent shower, and, like I said, totally naked. She was sitting somewhat at a distance, with her arms and legs crossed, I assume so she didn’t startle me with any of her naughtier parts, at least not right away.

“Hi, Mom,” I said, quite groggy. “Why are you here? And, more importantly, why are you naked?”

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It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 2It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 2


By the time I opened my eyes again, I was most definitely late for school. And, also, something of lesser importance, by the time I opened my eyes again, my cock was absolutely standing up rock-hard, again. Maybe that’s what happens when you fall asleep to the light airy sensation of your nutty mom sucking your cock.

And, speaking of my mom, she was nowhere to be found. Thankfully.

So, I got up, in a bit of a hurry. I grabbed a few clean clothes and lied them out on my bed. Then, I headed to the shower. And, wouldn’t you know, that’s where I found my mom, who was just stepping in.

“Mom, I gotta shower,” I said, a little condition critical in my voice. “I’m late for school.”

Hi, Jules,” my mom said, holding the shower door for me.

Mom?” What did I have to do to communicate to this woman it was urgent? “Please!

“Mommy’s holding the door for you.”

“Mom, you have your own shower, in the master bath.”

“Mommy knows, but she figured she was much more likely to run into her baby if she used this one.” She smiled, giving me her best nutty twinkle in her eye. Read More

It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 3It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 3


After school, the second I walked in the backdoor, my nutty mom, who was cleaning the kitchen cabinets, started bopping and hopping around, looking beyond ecstatic, as she quit her work and zoomed over to the kitchen sink to wash her hands, and then made a beeline over to me.

Oh, Jules!” my mom said, almost tearing up, as she knelt down in front of me and feverishly started undoing my jeans. “Mommy’s so happy to see you!” It was just weird. Or, nutty. “How was your day?”

“Good,” I said, not exactly knowing what to do with my backpack, so I tossed it on the counter a few feet away.

“Mommy wants to hear all about it, while she sucks her baby’s big beautiful cock.” And, with that, she unearthed my big sleepy cock and immediately fed her cute little face with it. Read More

It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 4It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 4


“Hey there, Jules,” my dad said, smiling. “Looks like you found something you like. And on your birthday to boot. Not bad.”

Are you fucking kidding me? He knows?

“Jules wants lobster tonight,” my nutty mom said, as her clinging hands turned to petting hands, stroking her fingers through my hair.

“Are you sure about that?” my dad said, as he loosened his tie, set his brief case on a dining room chair, and tossed his jacket around the same chair. “It looks to me like he might want more of what he’s having.”

“Well, that would be fine, too.” My mom smiled down at me.

Then, so did my dad.

I just shot up to my feet. I couldn’t take my eyes off my parents. My nutty parents. My Invasion of the Body-Snatchers nutty pod-people parents! I headed up to my room. In the commotion, I forgot my backpack. Fuck it. I wasn’t going back down there. The whole thing was just too bizarre. And, nutty. Read More

It's Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 5It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants: Episode 5


In the shower, my mom and I were like two zombies, you know, from all those scenes in The Walking Dead where zombies wanted to start their day of brain-eating with a nice and refreshing shower. For once, I wasn’t touching my mom and my mom wasn’t touching me. We were actually doing what people, or zombies, do in the shower; washing, slowly and methodically, and getting clean, which was nice since all my mom’s yummy pussy juices, which were basically all over my face, almost as if I’d been in a pie-eating contest, which, in a way, I had, pretty much hardened, basically freezing my face in the maniacal expression I was wearing when I was coming like crazy deep down her throat.

As I stood there, still very much in a daze, with my mom’s back and her big round ass to me, and the visions of minutes earlier fucking my mom’s mouth until sweet oblivion was filling and refilling my mind, it was almost inevitable my cock was going to start growing and firming, which, it totally did. Read More


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