Reilly/Reilly (A Sex-Spattered Police Procedural Romp To The Umpth Degree)
Detective Max Reilly is on his way out, while his daughter Detective Chickadee Reilly is on her way in, but before each one can settle into their new positions, they have to learn to work together, and fuck together, since fucking, as I’m sure you already know, is always a huge part of every police procedural series, and this one is no different.
Reilly/Reilly (A Sex-Spattered Police Procedural Romp To The Umpth Degree): Episode 1
“You got to be kidding me!” Detective Chickadee Reilly practically shouted as she stormed into Captain Crac’s office.
Chickadee Reilly was a gorgeous, but incredibly dainty 24-year-old newly-christened detective.
Tom Crac was a handsome 38-year-old over-achieving police captain with limitless ambitions, both professional and pharmaceutical. He was also Chickadee’s new boss. Presently, he was sitting at his desk and smoking crack. In front of him, on his desk, was a box marked evidence. His face, though he was very elevated by the drug, was showing shock, as he tried to focus on his newest detective.
“My father? You assigned me to my father?” Chickadee said, flabbergasted.
“Reilly, if you’re gonna barge in here, yelling at me, you better just come here and kneel down and suck my dick, before I write you up for insubordination.”
Chickadee furrowed her brow, even more flabbergasted, as she marched around her captain’s desk, just as he turned toward her in his chair and opened his legs, careful not to drop his crackpipe, and Chickadee knelt down and quickly loosened his sleepy cock, engulfing the whole of the thing and his balls in her sweet little lips. Read More
Reilly/Reilly (A Sex-Spattered Police Procedural Romp To The Umpth Degree): Episode 2
“Look at this thing!”
Max and Chickadee both looked down at Max’s giant cock trying to poke free from his suit pants.
Chickadee sneered, a little annoyed.
Max looked at her, a little suggestive.
Chickadee sneered even more emphatically, sighing angrily and folding her arms.
Max shrugged his shoulders and started the car and started heading over to the Parson house.
“Chickadee, I’m serious! Look at this thing! I could steer with it!” Max said, feigning awe, as he adjusted in his chair, poking his bulging cock along the bottom of the steering wheel.
“Daddy, don’t be gross!”
“Chickadee, I’m not trying to be.”
“Well, you are.”
“What’s gross about a giant cock?”
“Nothing. Except when it’s yours.”
“Well, that’s reverse nepotism.”
“Daddy, you’re still being gross.”
“Chickadee, you’re still calling me Daddy when I’ve asked you repeatedly not to.”
“Asked me? More like ordered me.”
“Well, yes. I am your Training Officer.” Max shook his head. “Ah, what does it matter? You don’t listen. You never listen.”
“I do, too, listen. That’s how I know half the shit that comes out of your mouth is utter fucking bullshit! Including this bullshit where I’m not supposed to call you Daddy. How am I not supposed to call you Daddy? When, unfortunately for all involved, you are my Daddy!”
“Yeah, well, not when we’re working. When we’re working, we’re just two fucking police detectives, one grizzled veteran and one bright-eyed and bushy-tailed rookie.”
“Well, I’m not going to suck your dick.” Read More
Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories
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