Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 1

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 1Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star

Maybe everyone else in my family has given up on my mom and her obsession with becoming a star, but I’m not gonna. Not ever. How could someone with all her infectious passion and undeniable charisma not reach stardom? I believe in her. And I believe in her dreams. Even some of her wilder dreams. Like, for instance, this latest one, when it became painfully clear that my mom wants to be a (porn) star.

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4)Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4) *Get 25% off coupon code*

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star is now available in bulk! Catch up Johnny’s scrumptious little mom as she progresses from wannabe star to wannabe (porn) star, with the help of her biggest fan, Johnny.

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 1Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 1


So, I got there around noon. I got out of work and everything. My mom sounded that enthused. That excited. She must have stumbled on something big. And stardom was most definitely right around the corner.

However, when I walked into my mom’s house, I couldn’t find her anywhere. For a second, I thought I might have misunderstood her somehow? Maybe she wanted me to meet her at the bar where she does her cabaret show, or the arts center where she does her acting, or one of the many other places she’s often appearing, ever on the quest for that conniving little shit known as stardom.

Then, out of the corner of my ear, I vaguely heard a sound. A sexual sound. A woman’s sexual sound. Oddly, I knew enough to know it wasn’t my mom’s voice, not that I would know such a thing. I just knew. Man, am I confusing you? I’m confusing me, too.

Anyway, I followed the sound, which led me to my mom’s bedroom. Okay, maybe it was my mom’s sex sounds.

Once there, out of sheer curiosity, after I noticed a crack in her bedroom doorway, I peeked in, and saw my mom sitting at her little makeup desk. She was completely naked, with her extremely taut little body, including her extremely cute little tits, which were jiggling away, as she sat there more than a little enthralled by a porno video she was watching on her apparently new laptop. Read More

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 2Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 2


“Or would that be too weird?” my mom said, tilting her head in supposition, while she continued to eye me and my cock and cum.

“Yeah, Mom, I think that’d be too weird,” I said, still a little out of it, after losing what seemed like half my weight in cum all over my mom’s beautiful little body.

“Well, sweetheart, we have to do something with all this stuff,” she said, smiling at her embarrassment of riches, as she contorted her flexible little body, enough so she could drag her fingertips through the thicker white stripes on her big round ass, and then brought her fingers close to her face, examining the white goo, as she started to tap her fingertips together, as if she was testing the physical properties of the stuff, while, at the same time, bringing it dangerously close to her lips.

“Mom!” I heard myself suddenly blurt out.

“What?” She jumped a little. “Sweetheart, you scared me half to death,” she said, glaring, but then smiling, before she directed her attention back to the cum on her fingers.

“Sorry, Mom.” I let out a sigh of relief. “I thought you were going to eat it.”

“You think I should?” she said, tilting her head and smiling cutely, and a little devilishly. Read More

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 3Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 3


After that deeply disturbing, and yet not quite as deeply disturbing as I thought it should have been, incident with my mom, she started calling me, much more often, much more often than usual. And usually for strange stuff. Like telling me a number of her plants were dying, and yet, for some unknown reason, she was actively refusing to water them. Or telling me her heart really went out to those poor kids in Siberia, who apparently have to go to school in sometimes 58 degrees below 0 temperatures. Also telling me she thinks the only reason Puerto Rico hasn’t already been made a state is because the US can’t figure out where to put the 51st star on the flag. Or telling me she really really really wanted more cum.

“Mom, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said the third or fourth time she brought it up, as I stood there eyeing my girlfriend in the living room of our one-bedroom apartment, making me turn and as discreetly as I could, squeeze the living daylights out of my buzzing cock, who obviously thought it was a good idea – the fucked-up not-so-little shit.

“Johnny, I really think you should,” my mom said, as if the matter was of the utmost importance, more important than just her wanting more cum.


“Because, silly,” she said, pausing, to, I guess, from the sound of it, look for a reason. “You should.” Read More

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 4Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 4


When I thought what occurred with my mom, this time in her bug, would, for sure, resonate as deeply disturbing, but, for sure, didn’t, in fact, if anything, it resonated as even more enthralling, especially the last few seconds, when I got to try her silky-smooth mouth and throat on for size, with all 10 inches of my cock, giving me, by far, the greatest sensation I ever experienced in my young life, the way I saw it I had to check out, at least for a minute or two, which turned into a day or two, and eventually several days. I couldn’t even take my mom’s phone calls anymore, especially since she stopped even trying to mask what she really wanted, coming right out and saying,

“Johnny, when are we gonna make another video? Speaking of which, I’ve been watching what we have. A lot. And I think it’s good. Really good. But, I think, what we need are more close-ups. Maybe ones of you and your big cock filling Mommy’s mouth and throat again. And this time, maybe to completion. That way, you wouldn’t just be filling Mommy with all that cock, but also all that scrumptious cum, too. Wouldn’t that be good? I think so. I definitely think so.”

“Johnny, baby, Mommy’s missing her baby and her baby’s big cock. Call me.”

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“Johnny, Mommy wants some more of her baby’s juice. The other night I was thinking, what would go good with this pizza? It’s wasn’t good pizza. Tombstone. Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes it’s not good. Which is pretty odd, since it’s frozen, so how could it vary? It must vary depending on the mood I’m in, or how hungry I am. And, wow, has your Mommy been hungry, lately. Then, I thought, oh, I know what would go good with this pizza, a cock-full of Johnny’s hot and creamy cum. Then, I thought, on second thought, maybe not so much. I think my baby’s juice is more of a dessert. Don’t you?”

“Johnny, where are you? You know you can’t hide from Mommy forever. Your big cock will give you away every time. Hee-hee. Bye!”

I had to do something. Obviously, she wasn’t going to stop on her own. If I had to listen to another one of her voice mails, with that voice, the voice that used to be my mom’s sweet voice, but now was my mom’s really sweet voice, I was going to explode. In more ways than one. And, to make matters worse, talk about bad timing, my girlfriend Renee, for whatever reason, wasn’t exactly being generous with her pussy, not near as much as all my mom’s cock-hungry voice mails were making me want her to.

And, who knows, maybe that’s why, when I found myself working out of the office, about an hour away, at a new development in Eloy, which, apparently, had hit some sort of snag, and when I got there, found out why, nobody was fucking there, and my phone rang, and I saw it was my mom, I got so angry, I just answered it.

Yeah?” I said, a bit pissed, as I glared in disbelief at the unfinished work.

“Johnny, you answered!” my mom said, excited beyond belief.

“What is it, Mom? I’m in the middle of something.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I drove down to a new development and nobody’s here.”

“Oh no. That sounds bad.”

“Yeah, Mom, it’s fucking bad.”

“Well, baby, do you want Mommy to come and cheer you up?” Read More

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 5Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: Episode 5


As much as my mom relished being the center of attention, on stage, on screen, and in almost every other way, she absolutely abhorred playing the role of host, especially in her own home, and yet, for almost every occasion, as if my brothers and sisters got some sick twisted pleasure out of it, they insisted my mom host, and this upcoming Thanksgiving was no different.

After my mom acquiesced, and agreed to host Thanksgiving for the umpteenth time in a row, not unlike the way she dealt with most impending dooms, she chose to face it by, well, not facing it at all. As if she ignored it, it would just magically disappear. Which is why, invariably, I, or maybe one of my good sisters, Marigold or Holiday would, eventually, come to my mom’s aid, helping her in any way we knew how, in an effort to, essentially, hold her up throughout the affair.

And so, on Thanksgiving Eve, I got the call.

Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star: 4-Pack 1 (Episode 1-4) *Get 25% off coupon code*

“Holiday and I have Mom all set to go,” Marigold, my 32-year-old sister and oft surrogate mom to our family said over the phone. “We got the turkey. The stuffing. Potatoes. Everything she should need. The only problem is, we’re not gonna be available to help her in the morning.”

“Fuck…” I uttered, trying my best to listen, as I melted back into the couch, while I watched my girlfriend’s 18-year-old little sister Rhiannon, who was visiting from Seattle, and who I, at least in my eyes, always thought I had a certain rapport with, and I guess I was right, bob, or as much as she could bob, up and down my big thick 10-inch cock, which didn’t seem to daunt her at all. If anything, it amused her.

Just the sheer challenge of getting it all in her sweet little mouth, which, I, at this point, couldn’t help but wish was my mom’s sweet little mouth, since she had proven, especially after the mega-blowjob at the worksite, she had no problem downing my cock. In fact, I was pretty sure, just one or two of my mom’s amazing revolutions up and down the whole of my cock would have sent me sprawling and my cock machine-gunning cum like fucking crazy. But, alas, I was just holding on, straining, while my girlfriend’s sister, still quite amused with herself and my cock, continued, in utter futility, to suck my cock. Read More


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