Kiss her.


Abbie (Ed's Friend Friend From High School)

Kiss her.

Ed and Abbie started kissing. And as they kissed, Ed’s mind raced with excitement and his cock raged with desire.

Alex took this opportunity to lean in and free up Abbie’s tits so he could suck and squeeze them.

While Ed and Abbie’s lips and tongues kissed and sucked and slipped around each other, Abbie began to moan with excitement. They’re kissing intensified. And Ed was getting more turned on than ever.

“Whoa! Okay, you guys,” Alex said and laughed nervously.

Ed and Abbie’s lips parted. Abbie sighed and emitted an equally nervous laugh.

Ed was in a bit of a daze.

Help Ed Farley Get Fucked. What should he do next?

1. Get a grip.

2. Refuse to go on until fuck-head leaves.


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