If You Wake Up And Somebody Is Playing With Your Cock It’s Just My Weirdo Mom (Part 1)


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If You Wake Up And Somebody Is Playing With Your Cock It’s Just My Weirdo Mom (Part 1) by Luca Satana

Since the dawn of sleepovers, the occasional weirdo mom has been a serious problem. Thankfully, there’s now a solution to help combat this problem.

Luca’s Naughty Bits is a series of short and sweet erotic tales. Some are stand alone stories, while some will be continuations. Eventually, there will be loads of these Luca’s Naughty Bits stories and you’ll be able to grab one or two at a time or go for the whole sha-bang when they’re published in bulk. So be on the lookout for more Luca’s Naughty Bits!


It was late. Probably too late. But these mother-fuckers liked to stay up fucking late. Jack especially. And Ryan, too, on occasion, but on this night, most definitely, since Ryan was spending the night over his friend Jack’s, and when in Rome, etc.

So, there in the late-night darkness, in the living room of all places, Jack was lying on the couch, while his friend Ryan was on the floor – how hospitable.

Before the two friends invited sleep, Jack thought he might take a moment to give Ryan, who had never spent the night over his house before, a proper warning. Jack was being serious, but it was difficult to tell, since Jack was rarely serious. Needless to say, either way, Ryan didn’t know what to think.

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I’m Sorry But You Simply Cannot Argue With This Highly Effective Family Cure For Anxiety: Episode 1 (My Mom – 1970)

I'm Sorry But You Simply Cannot Argue With This Highly Effective Family Cure For Anxiety: Episode 1 (My Mom - 1970)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

I’m Sorry But You Simply Cannot Argue With This Highly Effective Family Cure For Anxiety: Episode 1 (My Mom – 1970) by Luca Satana

I’m sorry but you simply cannot argue with this highly effective family cure for anxiety. But I’m sure you’re going to try. But trust me, it’s rather, well, futile.

I'm Sorry But You Simply Cannot Argue With This Highly Effective Family Cure For Anxiety: Episode 1 (My Mom - 1970)I’m sorry but you simply cannot argue with this highly effective family cure for anxiety. But I’m sure you’re going to try. But trust me, it’s rather, well, futile. Regardless, why don’t you let me attempt to illustrate exactly how effective it truly is. And I think, in due time, you’ll start to come around. I truly believe you will.


“Grandpa, how can you be so sure?” my mom said, sometime shortly after dinner, a dinner marred by the ebb and flow of difficult conversation between all who were present; my mom, my grandparents, my grandparents’ pastor and his wife – I believe, and of course my great-grandfather; about the dreadful state of the world and an even more dreadful future, which, per usual, sent my mom’s anxiety through the roof, nearly driving her to tears, and in a quiet, private space, which happened to be my mom’s bedroom, into her grandfather’s loving arms.

“Well, dear, there’s only one way to find out,” my great-grandfather said, as he continued to embrace his troubled granddaughter, while he glided his caressing fingertips along the small of her soft back, eventually trespassing to her even softer ass, as the unmistakable bulge in his pants, seemingly unbeknownst to either one of them, grew more and more familiar with her inner thighs.

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LOF New Release: Getting To Know Mom: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming

Getting To Know Mom: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The Getting To Know Mom Series: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming by Luca Satana

Getting to know my mom has been a scream. Quite literally. But, and I think my mom would agree, nobody, and I mean nobody needs to know.

Getting To Know Mom: Episode 4: Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is ComingFinally, there’s a series devoted to men getting to know their moms. You know, biblically speaking. And not a moment too soon.

Then, a slightly different Nobody Needs To Know Mommy Is Coming:

Okay, totally my bad. I’ll admit it. I never should have put myself in that situation. In any of these situations. Especially when I knew how much of a fan my mom was of sex. Or, in particular, a fan of a certain part of the male anatomy. Still, how big a fan I never could have known. And if I’m not careful, everyone else will know. Which was something my mom most definitely was not a big fan of. Not even a little bit.


I was sleeping. In my mom’s class. I had an open period. And she had an open period. So, at some point, I just started hanging out there during my open period. Except now, I wasn’t hanging out, I was just sleeping, you know, in one of those silly little uncomfortable desk chairs.

Will?” my mom said, from her desk, where she was doing whatever she did during her open periods, which seemed more than anything else, at least up until recently, grading papers.

Huh?” I said, suddenly coming to, and finding myself trapped in this little iron maiden-like desk chair, constricted even more so with my abnormally large cock living large, or its largest, in my jeans, I guess due to the dream I was having, which just so happened to be about my mom – how weird – and what had happened in the shower a few days prior.

“Mommy’s got work – tons of papers to grade, and you’re just sleeping away over there.”


“You could at least come help Mommy.”

“How? I don’t know shit about English.”

Watch the language, mister.


“Now, you have to help Mommy.”

“Okay, but how?”

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Unfortunately My Mom Has The Best Boobs (Like Ever) Episode 1 (My Mom)

Unfortunately My Mom Has The Best Boobs (Like Ever): Episode 1 (My Mom)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Unfortunately My Mom Has The Best Boobs (Like Ever): Episode 1 (My Mom) by Luca Satana

It’s not exactly convenient, in fact it’s almost downright cruel, the fact that unfortunately my mom has the best boobs (like ever)!

Unfortunately My Mom Has The Best Boobs (Like Ever): Episode 1 (My Mom)Unfortunately, my mom has the best boobs. Like ever. For real. If you doubt me, well, read along and you’ll see. And if you think it’s shocking, just imagine how I feel. Or how my not-so-little friend in my boxers feels. Oh wait. Looks like my not-so-little friend isn’t in my boxers anymore!


Then my mom seemed to realize something.

“Okay, either somebody has been eating their Wheaties, or whatever, and now their cock is the biggest its ever been, or this is a completely different cock…” my mom uttered, rubbing the back of her head along my face.

I’m pretty sure it’s the latter, Mom…” I uttered, lightly fucking her slowly pumping fist.

Okay, sweetie… Funny joke… You got Mommy good…

Yeah… Hilarious… I got you…

Okay, sweetie, maybe you should stop, now…

Okay, Mom, maybe you should stop, now…

“Mommy probably should, she can feel your cock getting ready to explode.”

“You can?”

“Yeah. All over Mommy’s clothes in her dresser.”

“Well, you better close your dresser.”

Or we could just stop.”

“You first.”

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LOF New Release: According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1

According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1 by Luca Satana

According to my grandma whatever happens in the bathtub stays in the bathtub, but I’m not sure if that’s true. But I guess we’re about to find out.

According To My Grandma Whatever Happens In The Bathtub Stays In The Bathtub: Episode 1According to my grandma, whatever happens in the bathtub stays in the bathtub. But I don’t think that’s true. I’m not sure if it ever is. Like when they say whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I think the film The Hangover proves that. Because I don’t think any of their shenanigans stay in Vegas. On the other hand, the film Leaving Las Vegas totally proves it, since Nicolas Cage, I’m pretty sure – spoiler alert – definitely ends up staying in Vegas.


I guess you could say I like movies. I also like my grandma. But not this much! And certainly not as much as she likes me. Holy shit!

It started when my mom wanted us out of her hair, meaning my sister Angela and me – I’m Che – not short for Che Higuera the cool-ass revolutionary everybody wears T-shirts about all the time, but short for cherub, which is kind of dumb, I know, but my mom, I guess, was like I named my daughter Angela, after angels, so I’ll name my son after cherubs, which, in case you didn’t know, are those fat little fuck angels always shooting arrows at folks. Or is that cupid? I guess they could be considered one in the same. Or perhaps Cupid is an example of a cherub. I’ll have to look that up. Or you could. I’m busy. I gotta get this shit out. Before I forget it. As if I ever could.

The funny thing is my sister is named Angela, after angels, but, dude, my sister is no angel. You’ll probably figure that out later.

Nor am I, I guess, to be fair.

But my grandma is something else entirely.

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