LOF New Release: Mommy’s Morning Drainings: Episode 1

Mommy's Morning Drainings: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

Mommy’s Morning Drainings: Episode 1 by Luca Satana

Who knew getting loaded on Halloween candy and playing Cards Against Creation well into the night could lead to a mom’s morning drainings, but it definitely did!

Mommy's Morning Drainings: Episode 1Staying up late and playing Cards Against Creation isn’t always going to create a situation like this, but it certainly did in the Ericksons’ case, when 44-year-old mom Elizabeth, 21-year-old daughter Brittany, 19-year-old son Harrison, and 18-year-old son Alastar got loaded on way too much after-Halloween discounted candy and lost themselves in a deeply silly, and quite disturbed marathon session of CAC.


“Okay, sweetie, are you ready?” Elizabeth said softly, as she stroked her sleeping daughter’s long blond hair, while she sat there in her bed.

Huh…?” Brittany said barely audible, and barely conscious. “Ready for what…?

You know, sweetie…” Elizabeth’s eyes widened, as she corralled her soft blond hair around herself almost like a scarf, as she took a quick little sip of her hot coffee, thankful for the warmth it gave her, as she thought maybe she should have thrown a little more on than just her purple sweater wrap over nothing more than her skimpy little white panties. “What we said…? Last night…? At the table…?”

“What did we say exactly…?” Brittany struggled to focus on her mother, as she pulled on her comforter to cover up herself and her thin white nightgown, wanting nothing more than to just turn over and go back to sleep.

You know… The morning drainings thing…” Her eyes widened even bigger.

Mom?” She glared.

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