LOF New Release: Maybe Someday We’ll Live In A World Where Moms Don’t Belong To Their Sons But Mom Today Is Not That Day: Episode 2 (Kitty)

Maybe Someday We'll Live In A World Where Moms Don't Belong To Their Sons But Mom Today Is Not That Day: Episode 2 (Kitty)

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories New Release!

Maybe Someday We’ll Live In A World Where Moms Don’t Belong To Their Sons But Mom Today Is Not That Day: Episode 2 (Kitty) by Luca Satana

My mom seems so oblivious to the tradition of when a boy becomes a man, moms belong to their sons. But maybe that’s exactly what this house needs.

Maybe Someday We'll Live In A World Where Moms Don't Belong To Their Sons But Mom Today Is Not That Day: Episode 2 (Kitty)Hi, I’m Angelo. As far back as I can remember, it’s been my mom and me – if you don’t count the various times my weird old grandpa lived with us. Maybe that’s why my mom and I have been more like best friends than mom and son. And yet, given how close we’ve been, it seems odd my mom would be so oblivious to the tradition of when a boy becomes a man, his mom becomes his. I mean, here I am, on the precipice of becoming a man, and I swear she’s never once talked about this tradition. Generally, I would never consider myself a slave to tradition. However, I do recognize the value of honoring the past. That’s why I feel a sense of duty to uphold this tradition. Especially in recent years, when my mom’s closeness has started to, well, wear on me. If you know what I mean. So, who knows, maybe a great big helping of age-old tradition is exactly what this house needs.


I’m not going to say I was counting the moments until I turned 18. But the fact remains, I was sitting there in my room staring at the minute hand. And when it suddenly ticked to 12 midnight. I was up. Way up.

In something of an almost inebriated fashion, I wobbled through the halls, me and my enormous rock-hard cock, which was seriously testing the bounds of my boxers.

When I arrived at my mom’s bedroom door, I pushed in, surprised to see my mom right there in the moonlight, as she slept completely naked in her bed.

Fuck…” I uttered, nearly trembling at the sight. I couldn’t help it. Luckily, my mom didn’t hear me.

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