LOF New Release: The Give-An-Inch-Take-A-Mile Nature Of My Mom’s Weirdest Christmas Gift Yet: Episode 1

The Give-An-Inch-Take-A-Mile Nature Of My Mom's Weirdest Christmas Gift Yet: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

The Give-An-Inch-Take-A-Mile Nature Of My Mom’s Weirdest Christmas Gift Yet: Episode 1 by Luca Satana

As far as weird Christmas gifts go, this would have to be the weirdest. Especially the give-an-inch-take-a-mile nature of it. And man did Troy wanna take-a-mile!

The Give-An-Inch-Take-A-Mile Nature Of My Mom's Weirdest Christmas Gift Yet: Episode 1My mom always liked to get me weird Christmas gifts. The weirder the better. But there’s just something about the give-an-inch-take-a-mile nature of my mom’s weirdest Christmas gift yet I just can’t let go of. Or more like I can’t stop letting go of. Much to my mom’s chagrin.


Out of the blue, my mom came twirling in, looking, well, actually, quite sexy, with this skimpy little Santa’s helper costume, which was pretty much no more than a skimpy little red velvet dress. Also, she was armed with this weird wand-thing, with a sparkly little red heart on the end.

On my mom went, twirling around, doing movements that might qualify as ballerina movements, or at least a piss-poor version of ballerina movements.

“Mom…?” I watched her everywhere she went, even on a few occasions when she would bend and dip, inadvertently or not inadvertently revealing her semi-see-through lacy red panties.

“Yes, Troy, my sweet…?” She didn’t seem the least bit interested in stopping.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like Mommy’s doing?”

“Drugs. And lots of them.”

“Silly-silly. Mommy’s high on Christmas spirit!”

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