LOF New Release: I’m Tired Of Fighting With My Mom: Episode 1

I'm Tired Of Fighting With My Mom: Episode 1

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

I’m Tired Of Fighting With My Mom: Episode 1 by Luca Satana

I was tired of fighting with my mom. So maybe that’s why, instead of making war, my mom wanted to try making a little love. Or maybe a lot of love.

I'm Tired Of Fighting With My Mom: Episode 1First rule of fighting with my mom. Don’t talk about fighting with my mom. Second rule of fighting with my mom. Don’t talk about fighting with my mom! Sorry, Brad Pitt, but I just have to. It’s therapeutic. Otherwise, I could internalize this stuff forever and develop ass cancer and die. Although, that could very well happen anyway. Regardless, I stand by my original statement. I need to get this stuff off my chest.


The fateful day in question, I was pretty much minding my business. I swear. Just eating my cereal in my room. My very messy fucked-up room. A very messy fucked-up point of contention with my mom.

“Luther, Mommy wants your dirty clothes in this basket,” my mom said, as she appeared in the doorway in her little flower dress, sans bra, so her big bubbly boobs were running a bit wild inside. Despite her propensity for inescapable cuteness, she also had a ever-present prickliness, which seemed extra prickly at the moment, and a bit grossed out by the prospect of having to step foot in my own personal pigsty.

“Okay. In a minute, Mom. I got exactly fifteen minutes to eat, and then I have to head out for school.”

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