LOF New Release: I Felt So Bad About Giving My Mom A Sore Throat: Episode 13

I Felt So Bad About Giving My Mom A Sore Throat: Episode 13

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

I Felt So Bad About Giving My Mom A Sore Throat: Episode 13 (And Then Accepting I’m Not The Biggest Cock In The Room) by Luca Satana

I felt so bad about giving my mom a sore throat. But I’m not going to lie. It also felt pretty friggin’ good, too.

I Felt So Bad About Giving My Mom A Sore Throat: Episode 13A while back I had a wicked sore throat. And man, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. Most certainly I wouldn’t wish it upon my mom. But, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened. Well, not so much as wish it upon my mom. But give it to her. And, I don’t know, when that happens, when you give a wicked sore throat to your poor mom, well, you’ll do just about anything to ease her pain. I know that’s what I did. And I’m not the least bit sorry. Well, maybe a little bit.


As my mom bobbed on my highly sensitive cockhead, I lightly rested my hand on the back of her sweet head, only to have the swirling bliss interrupted by my dad, who was now completely disrobed, and completely rock-hard, with his massive cock in my sister’s little hands, as the two of them suddenly fell into bed together.

Oh Daddy, fuck me!” my sister cried, double-jerking our dad’s big cock.

“Are you sure you’re ready…?” my dad said, sighing, as he worked to maneuver his Guinness Book member somewhere between my sister’s legs.


“Are you really sure? Because after we ring this bell, it can never be unrung…”

“Daddy, ring my bell!”

Arthur!” my mom suddenly interjected, as she glared at the two of them, while she and my grandma jerked my cock.

“Gloria…?” my dad said, breathy, on the verge of pressing inside their daughter’s tight pussy.

“All that I ask is you go easy on our daughter’s pussy.”

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