Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE
I Felt So Bad About Giving My Mom A Sore Throat: Episode 1 by Luca Satana
I felt so bad about giving my mom a sore throat. But I’m not going to lie. It also felt pretty friggin’ good, too.
A while back I had a wicked sore throat. And man, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. Most certainly I wouldn’t wish it upon my mom. But, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened. Well, not so much as wish it upon my mom. But give it to her. And, I don’t know, when that happens, when you give a wicked sore throat to your poor mom, well, you’ll do just about anything to ease her pain. I know that’s what I did. And I’m not the least bit sorry. Well, maybe a little bit.
I hadn’t the foggiest I even gave my mom my wicked sore throat. When you’re 18-years-old, you’re not exactly the most observant person in the world. All I knew was I was relieved to finally be over it. I had no thought as to who I might have given it to. And most certainly didn’t think I gave it to my mom.
And then she let me know.
That night. In the dead of night.
“Kyle?” my mom said, all raspy.
“Huh…?” I said, all dead-tired.
“Mommy thinks you gave her your sore throat.”
“Huh…?” I reiterated. I really was dead-tired. I guess my immune system was in overdrive, putting me in a deep sleep in order to get rid of every sick cell in my body.
“Kyle, honey… Wake up for Mommy…” She nudged my hip a little.
“Huh? What?” I opened my eyes, barely making out my mom’s silhouette, still in her office clothes, in the gray night.