LOF New Release: My Mom’s Fucked-Up Time-Outs Should Really Be Called Time-Ins: Episode 2

My Mom's Fucked-Up Time-Outs Should Really Be Called Time-Ins: Episode 2

Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories NEW RELEASE

My Mom’s Fucked-Up Time-Outs Should Really Be Called Time-Ins: Episode 2 by Luca Satana

If you ask me, my mom’s fucked-up time-outs should really be called time-ins. I’m just saying. I’m not trying to be crass. Just accurate.

My Mom's Fucked-Up Time-Outs Should Really Be Called Time-Ins: Episode 2If you ask me, my mom’s fucked-up time-outs should really be called time-ins. I’m just saying. I’m not trying to be crass. Just accurate. So many things in life are inaccurate. Or, let’s face it, false. Or just lazily handled. So, I would like to get this one thing right. And that is my mom’s fucked-up time-outs should really be called time-ins.


As you might imagine, after my mom’s first fucked-up time-out, things between us were quite weird.

Take for instance the very next night, when my dad, my mom, and me were watching TV. Well, I guess you could say just my dad was watching TV.

When my dad was home from work, he pretty much ruled the TV. After all, the TV was my dad’s one true love. Far be it for my mom or me to get in the way of something so right and so pure.

Regardless of who was actually watching the TV, the important thing to note was what was actually on, which was, of course, another CSINCIS episode, this one Sarasota, where they were dealing with a gruesome triple murder. My dad was riveted. My mom was appalled, at least whenever she looked up from the magazine she was reading. And I was bored, at least whenever I looked up from my phone.

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However, there was one thing I simply could not ignore about this particular episode, and that was the fact that the powers that be decided to throw a little role Rosanna Arquette’s way, which, to me, was always cause for alarm, since Rosanna Arquette might have the best boobs in Hollywood, at least as far as sheer volume, not so much in boob volume, but as far as the frequency in which she was willing to show them off, which was basically dozens of times throughout the years, which was something I always found to be quite generous on her part – and I salute you for that, Rosanna.

Although, since CSINCIS was network TV, it was highly unlikely Rosanna Arquette was going to get the opportunity to be so generous in this episode, which was, in a way, a good thing, since I rather not be around when my dad was admiring her, well, big and bouncy talents.

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