Legion Of Filth
Taboo Erotica At Its Finest (And Silliest)
Legion Of Filth: Taboo Erotica At Its Finest (And Silliest) are taboo erotica stories with a little fun, incest galore, and tons of cum flying every which way. Legion Of Filth Taboo Erotica Stories feature titles from Luca Satana and Byzantine Thomas.
Luca Satana
Go To Luca Satana Complete List Of Titles
Luca Satana taboo erotica titles are vile and incest-laden, filled with momcest AKA mom/son sex, auntcest AKA aunt/nephew sex, daddy/daughter sex, brother/sister sex, and grandson/grandmother sex, just to name a few taboo pairings. Also, don’t be surprised to find lots of cum and lots of cum swallowing, virtually in every story! So, if this happens to be your particular brand of erotic stories, fused with humor on every page, you can’t go wrong with a Luca Satana title.
Luca Satana All-Time Best-Selling Series
The Implausibly Cruel Life Of Tall Thin Peter Flynn
Tall Thin Peter Flynn, who was quite popular among his family members, first for being the only boy in the rather large family, and second for possessing, ever since a child, an abnormally long and skinny cock, has finally, to everyone’s sheer delight, turned 18! And right there to celebrate the occasion are his mean and controlling mother and his wild and wide-eyed sisters. In most families, this would be a joyous, yet harmless affair. For the Flynns, well, this was going to be anything but harmless. This was going to be downright hardcore. WARNING: THIS EBOOK CONTAINS INCEST! LOT’S OF MOTHER-FUCKING INCEST! LITERALLY!
A Mother-Son Getaway Gone Wrong
Eric Brennan was a handsome 18-year-old young man who really wanted to help his mother. He knew his father was no good for his mother. He was mean. Abusive. Controlling. In fact, the only good thing he ever did for her was fuck her. A lot. Eric knew this from all the years growing up in the house and hearing them going at it. Especially his mother, who was a particularly loud lover.
And so, Eric decided he would confront his mother on Spring Break. First thing he did was pack his suitcase and his mother’s suitcase. Then he took a deep breath and approached his mother.
Sabrina Brennan was a very pretty and very sweet 41-year-old woman. But she needed help. The sad thing was she didn’t even realize it. Not until that fateful day when her son pointed it out to her. Suddenly her eyes were opened. And so, she agreed.
With it already being late in the day, they had to move quickly. Sabrina was surprised to see that her son had already packed her suitcase. She checked it. No lingerie. One of her favorite things to wear. This simply would not do. So, she threw in all her lingerie and skimpy underwear and tried to get her suitcase closed again. No such luck. However, after considerable effort, which included sitting on it, then standing on it, then sitting on it again, thankfully, she was able to do so.
Finally, they were off!
They drove for hours. They weren’t sure what they were gonna do. Or where they were gonna go. So, they drove up to the White Mountains. There, they found a not so nice, but barely occupied, strip hotel and decided to stay. For how long, neither one knew. All they knew was they were alone. Together. Mother and son.
There, they could plot out their next move. And start a life, anew. With Eric’s father and Sabrina’s husband finally gone, completely out of the picture.
Taking Care Of Grandma
I guess I didn’t know what they meant by taking care of Grandma. It’s not that I had anything against Grandma. Quite the contrary. In fact, out of everyone else in the family, my Grandma was the one I always had the strongest connection to. Even if, over the last few years, that connection had somewhat faded. In spite of what everyone might think, Grandma always seemed like a pretty nice person. Pretty fun, too. So, basically, I guess what I’m trying to say is taking care of Grandma wasn’t exactly something I was opposed to.
More than anything, I guess you could say my opposition to taking care of Grandma was, well, the timing of things. This was going to be my last summer at home, and so, naturally, I didn’t exactly want to spend it with Grandma 24/7. I mean, I was 18, now. I had just graduated from high school. After that long boring 12-year haul, I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to go a little crazy, especially if this was gonna be my last hurrah. And that doesn’t exactly describe a stay at my Grandma’s house. I was thinking more along the lines of hanging out with my crazy fucked-up friends. I mean, come August, I was gonna be out of there, off to college, and who knows when I was ever gonna see any of those crazy fucked-up people again?
Ah, whatever. What’s the use. It’s not like anybody else in the family was willing to take care of Grandma. Unlike most of my family members, I’m not exactly one of those selfish ingrate-types. Unlike some people in my family, I actually cared deeply for Grandma. And more than that, I actually appreciated Grandma and the long and interesting life she’d led. Who knows, maybe that’s part of the reason why I always got along with her so well.
So, in the end, I decided to take the bull by the horns. In the end, ultimately, I decided to look at the situation from a whole different perspective, trying my best not to think of taking care of Grandma as a chore, but more like, well, a privilege.
After all, taking care of Grandma wasn’t gonna be so bad. Grandma was pretty cute. And she had a great set of tits. And, from the looks of it, a nice, firm ass, too. So, yeah, maybe taking care of Grandma wasn’t gonna be so bad.
Aunt Sarah’s Answer To Everything
Guy Huffman was a handsome 42-year-old man with blue eyes and dark hair. Average height. Average weight. He was a good man. Fair. Even keeled. And always a good provider. However, sadly, that was about to change, as Guy’s life slowly crumbled all around him.
First, early in the year, he lost his job. Unable to readily find work, Guy had no choice but to go back to school to change his career. Guy was going to have to lean heavily on his wife’s income. As a result, they were having a terrible time making ends meet. So bad, in fact, his wife Wendy had had enough and after 23 years of marriage ran off with Guy’s best friend Charlie. Soon after that, Guy fell into a mental tailspin, unable to do much of anything, until he was in a full blown, crippling depression.
He needed a change.
A serious change.
So, Guy, along with his 18-year-old daughter Megan, on his Aunt Sarah’s invitation, moved up to New Hampshire.
Aunt Sarah was still a very beautiful 59-year-old woman with blue eyes and bright auburn hair. A very shapely figure. She was strong. Independent.
Sarah lived in a three-bedroom farm house on the outskirts of town, with her 40-year-old daughter Heather and her daughter’s husband Tom and their 18-year-old daughter Periwinkle. Although it would be cramped, Aunt Sarah insisted they would make do. And with the cost of living so high in the Granite State, Guy didn’t really have much choice.
And so it began. Guy Huffman’s new life.
In Addition To Everything Else Going On In My Life Now I Have To Get My Mom Pregnant Too!
In addition to everything else going on in my life, with this being my senior year and having to get ready for college, I also have an alarming amount of homework, baseball, chess club, my job at the hardware store, and all my house chores, and now I have to get my mom pregnant, too! If you ask me, the whole thing is fucking bullshit!
Oggy Gobbins Comes Alive
You really have to feel for a young man like Oggy Gobbins. Just 18 years old and he’s already given up on life. Well, can you blame him? Ever since his adolescence, Oggy’s had to beat his meat at least a couple times a day just to keep his exorbitant amount of cum at bey.
After all these years, the task is just too great, his cum is just too great, and he’s ready to give up and just let his over-producing cum-filled balls take over. And if that means total cock blockage down below and imminent death, then so be it, because Oggy has decided he is never ever going to rub another one out as long as he lives.
So, from now on, if anybody gives a shit, Oggy’s mom, his sisters, and whoever else is around, they’re just gonna have to do it for him, because Oggy has had enough!
I Think My Mom Is In Love With My Cock
Something is definitely up with my mom. It all started when my mom came into my room to wake me up for school and found me with morning wood. Yeah. Embarrassing. But what happened after was even more embarrassing. And now, I think my Mom is in love with my cock.
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love My Family
One doesn’t just start doing this sort of thing. Or at least I didn’t. It was just something I feel I simply fell into. In fact, I’m almost certain there was only one way this whole thing could have ever ended up. And it’s with that realization that I finally learned how to stop worrying and love my family. Hopefully this helps. Yours truly, Fisher.
The Mother-Fuckers Club
Tommy Pendleton was a very savvy, very put-together 18-year-old young man. Not your typical 18-year-old by any stretch of the imagination. However, this didn’t mean he wasn’t susceptible to the usual slings and arrows of teenage life, as far as the angst and alienation of high school. And it certainly didn’t help when his mother married some old rich fuck from New England and moved Tommy, midway through his senior year, away from all his friends, what little he had, and put him in a completely new environment.
Tommy was not happy. And he was pissed. And he didn’t want to do anything the way he did before. Tommy didn’t really have time, anyway. He just got to this school and didn’t know a soul. He wanted to take a completely different approach to basically everything, especially how he got pussy. And when his mother told him for the umpteenth time how sorry she was for uprooting him away from all his friends and everything he ever knew in life and how she would do anything to help ease his transition into his new school and his new life, Tommy finally decided to take his mother up on her offer. And thus, laid the groundwork for what would eventually become The Mother-Fuckers Club.
One Family One Bed
For years now, it’s just been the way we’ve done things in my family. One family. One bed. I’m sure, on the outside looking in; it must look strange, or even demented. But after living this way, ever since I turned 18 in 1992, until recently, when I turned 38 in 2012, or even in the future, when I turned 58 in 2032, I can’t see living any other way.
Due To Some Mix-Up My Mom Is My Assigned Sex-Ed Partner
When our sex-ed teacher Miss Mayberry, who was one of those younger idealistic-to-a-fault teachers, said there was extra money in the budget this year so she was taking us on a field trip and bringing chaperones who would essentially be divvyed up and assigned to us as sex-ed partners for the night, I thought this was going to be a good thing.
And, on an unrelated note, which turned out to be very related, when my mom, who makes very little money working as a teacher’s aide at my high school, said she was working some extra hours this week and thus making a little extra money, I also thought that was a good thing, because ever since I turned 18, a month or two prior, my mom has been promising to get me a car.
The thought never occurred to me that my mom’s extra hours were going to come from being one of Miss Mayberry’s chaperones, or, more specifically, one of Miss Mayberry assigned sex-ed partners. Not until, well, the very second my mom showed up at my hotel door.
Me And My Mom And My Sister (AKA The Last Ones Left Alive)
My mom and my sister were practical jokers. I wasn’t. At least not until I came up with a real doozy. Probably too big. Ya see, back then; I lived in a nuclear fallout shelter. In our backyard. Ever since I saw that movie The Day After, you know, that 80’s movie where Steve Guttenberg’s face melts off due to nuclear fallout. That’s where I lived. And that’s where I stayed. While my mom and my sister, basically, stayed in our house and probably sat around making fun of me nonstop. That was, until my real doozy of a practical joke.
They came for a visit, down into my humble abode, my underground nuclear fallout shelter, for a my little impromptu 21st birthday party for me, and after we watched all the Ernest Goes To Camps and played Monopoly and Risk two times each, my mom and my sister fell asleep on my makeshift bed. And that’s when it happened. Earthquake, a pretty big one, too, it was California after all. And that’s when it hit me, my real doozy of a practical joke. While my mom and my sister were still coming to, shaken and confused by the earthquake, I said, as somberly as I could, that it had happened. It had finally happened. Nuclear War.
Glad To See My Mom And My Daughter Are Getting Along
I know it’s not the best way to sow for peace, but it’s certainly not the worst way. And for whatever part I, or more specifically my cock, played in the unlikely alliance, I’m just glad to see my mom and my daughter are getting along.
Mom Wants To Be A (Porn) Star
Maybe everyone else in my family has given up on my mom and her obsession with becoming a star, but I’m not gonna. Not ever. How could someone with all her infectious passion and undeniable charisma not reach stardom? I believe in her. And I believe in her dreams. Even some of her wilder dreams. Like, for instance, this latest one, when it became painfully clear that my mom wants to be a (porn) star.
It’s good to get away. That’s what everyone says. But, eventually, you’re gonna have to go back home. Eventually, you’re gonna have to go back with dad. That’s what Steven told his mom Charlene. Over and over again. To. No. Avail.
A Simple Story About Fucking My Mom, My Aunt, And My Grandma For 3½ Years Straight
Okay, to be fair, I guess, growing up, I’d been a little dick to everyone for a long time. So, in a way, I guess, I had it coming. I don’t know. And, now, it was payback time, compliments of Viper, The Black Widow, and Justice; AKA my mom, my aunt, and grandma.
Mom Driver
Could it be 19-year-old Leviathan Curtis has finally found something he’s interested in, truly interested in, to the point that the word obsession might apply? At this point, his parents would be happy to find anything their son was interested in. His mom Hannah Curtis, especially. Finding something for her son to be interested in has always been something of a futile enterprise. It’s just too bad for her, or too good for her, depending on how you look at it, what Levi is finally showing an interested in is Mom Driver.
Why’s Everybody Always Ganging Up On Mom
Why’s everybody always ganging up on Mom? That question has filled my mind my whole life. First, when I was still living with my mom and dad. Then, when I was 12, and us kids were forced to go live with our grandma. Then, again, when we were steadily permitted, one by one, to move back in with my mom and dad, with me being the last. I was 18, now. And I was bound and determined, more than ever, to find out. After all, I loved my mom. Probably more than anybody in the world. And I just knew she didn’t deserve always being ganged up on. And I didn’t care what I had to do to prove it.
Luca’s Naughty Bits
Luca’s Naughty Bits is a series of short and sweet erotic tales. Eventually, there will be loads of these Luca’s Naughty Bits stories and you’ll be able to grab one or two at a time or go for the whole sha-bang when they’re published in bytes (8-story collections). So be on the lookout for more Luca’s Naughty Bits!
Luca Satana’s Newest Series
Mommy Wants Every Shot
I don’t exactly remember what happened, or how I agreed to it, but, at the time, it didn’t seem all that unreasonable, and my mom didn’t seem all that unreasonable, or selfish. In fact, at the time, I was happy to do it, very happy. Especially considering everything my mom did for me, with her troubled pregnancy, and all my various ailments along the way. Why shouldn’t I promise every shot to her? After all, she is my mom. And I literally owe her everything. If you ask me, I’m getting off easy. Giving her every shot is a small price to pay, in my opinion. For all her love. And all her commitment. Of course, it doesn’t hurt my mom is an extraordinary cocksucker.
Holy Fuck I Think I’m Dating My Cute-As-A-Button Irresistible Little Mom
After my mom and dad’s divorce, my mom, my cute-as-a-button irresistible little mom, insisted she needed help learning how to date again. Well, obviously, I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, but before I could ask my mom to elaborate, my wife, as was her habit, volunteered me, of all people, to help my mom. I guffawed, like I’d never guffawed before, thinking the whole thing was some bad joke. Then, I realized, holy fuck, they were not joking. Not at all. I gulped.
My first instinct was to tell them both to kindly fuck off. But, then my Mother Theresa-side shined through, and I told myself, why not. Why couldn’t I help my mom learn how to date again?Sure, I was never an avid dater, even when I was single, but, eh, what the fuck. I could do this. However, it wasn’t long before I was telling myself, holy fuck, I think I’m dating my cute-as-a-button irresistible little mom.
This Is Some Fucked-Up Home-schooling Mom
I’m not weird. Or bad. Just misunderstood. My mom, and my sister for that matter, both think they know me. But, they don’t. I don’t apply myself because I don’t wanna apply myself. I don’t wanna go to school. Why should I? When all I wanna be is, well, a rocker. And, I’m gonna be a rocker. I am.
But, all I keep hearing are those words, “As long as you’re living under our roof, you will go to school,” which my dad used to holler at me at the top of his lungs, with some real mean pipes, I might add, like Bruce Dickinson pipes, well, maybe not that mean, before my dad up and had a coronary, probably from all that hollering at me at the top of his lungs, or, maybe, more than likely, from all my mom’s mean blowjobs, which I can say, sadly, from experience, now, could definitely kill somebody, or, at least maim them, not unlike a head-on collision with one of my mom’s mammoth ta-tas, which were Guiness Book ta-tas, my mom and my sisters’ both.
So, now, I’m stuck. And, now, to go along with my dad’s ghost hollering at the top its ghostly lungs, everyone and their mother seems to think I have to finish school, even my twisted fuck of an old grandfather, telling my mom if she can’t get me, the heir to some kind of small fortune, under control, he’s gonna pull the rug out from underneath us, financially – what a prick, like it’s my mom or my sister’s fault I don’t wanna go to school.
Regardless, that’s where I am. Thoroughly stuck. And, that’s where my mom is, thinking she has no other choice other than to go to great lengths to get me graduated, including homeschooling me, in her own, well, fucked-up way of homeschooling. Ugh.
And, if you ask me, this is all very unrocker. I mean, Angus Young wouldn’t put up with this bullshit.
My Sweet Little Daughter Turns Into An Absolute Monster When She Can’t Come
Fair warning, starting back in 2015, something had become abundantly clear to everyone involved, and that was my sweet little 18-year-old daughter Ellie turns into an absolute monster when she can’t come, making me, her 44-year-old dad Harry, her 42-year-old mom Lillie, and her 20-year-old sweet not-so-little big sister Allie completely on edge and completely scared-shitless in our own home. I’m a man. I’m the man. That’s what my wife kept telling me. So, I had to do something. What the fuck is she talking about? Fuck me. So, something was exactly what I did and what I will continue to do as long as I’m a man. Or the man. You know what I mean.
Mommy Knows You Have Good Taste
At the time, Ian didn’t think what he was doing was all that bad. After all, after such a tragic event as finding out, maybe, just maybe, despite what every young man likes to think of himself, he possibly might have bad taste, there was no doubt he needed some convincing. And who was he to try and stop his mother Isobel, the good, loving mother she was, from trying so hard to convince him otherwise? Especially since, sometimes, simply saying, “Mommy knows you have good taste,” isn’t going to convince anybody of anything.
It’s Becoming Abundantly Clear What My Nutty Mom Always Wants
My mom is jarringly normal. And yet, she’s also nutty. Exceedingly. Certifiably. Hopelessly. Nutty. I’m not saying I’m not weird. Because, I am weird. But, my mom is totally out-there nutty. I never knew how nutty my mom truly was until the day I turned 18, and this totally out-there nutty side of my mom was unleashed on the world, and me. And, suddenly it became abundantly clear what my nutty mom always wants.
Go To Luca Satana’s Complete List Of Titles
Byzantine Thomas
Go To Byzantine Thomas Complete List Of Titles
Byzantine Thomas titles are pretty vile as well, but mostly devoid of incest. Whenever incest does creep up, it’s only going to be pseudo-incest, no blood-relation incest. Like Luca Satana, Byzantine Thomas titles have a lot of cum play.
Byzantine Thomas All-Time Best-Selling Series
The Amazing Mosely Untreu Sex Guide
Man, you are so lucky to find this little ebook! Why? Well, probably because it’s only the most amazing ebook series ever produced. Welcome to The Amazing Mosely Untreu Sex Guide: For Fledgling Newbies & Accomplished Sex Fiends Alike by Dr. Mosely Untreu along with his small group of assistants: Timmy Johnson, Wally Mammoth, and Connie Cryer. This ebook is chockfull of Dr. Mosely Untreu’s amazing personal accounts with the opposite sex, bringing to light things that you never would have thought about in a million years. For instance, what do you do when your stepdaughter is constantly flashing you with her giant tits? Well, lucky for you Dr. Mosely Untreu knows exactly what to do and you will too after you read this amazing ebook!
Eldon And The Sorority House Zombie Apocalypse
It’s a zombie apocalypse and there’s nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide! Unless, of course, you’re Eldon Colquitt, a college sophomore, who hasn’t got lucky in over seven years. When the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan, Eldon had no interest in running. And saw no reason to hide. That’s because when the zombie apocalypse went down, Eldon was holed up in a sorority house. And suddenly Eldon got lucky. Very lucky!
Weird Sex Tales
Weird Sex Tales. That’s what you got on your hands, now. Little Weird Sex Tales. Not my problem anymore.
Weird Sex Tales Titles:
My Girlfriend’s Mother Gave Me A Much Needed Release
My Daughter’s Tiny Little Best Friend Has Practically Been Begging Me To Take Her For A Driving Lesson
Before My Girlfriend And I Were Allowed To Be Alone Together, Her Mother Insisted I Empty My Cock Inside Her Ample Cleavage
Who Am I To Say No When My Super Sexy Health Teacher Really Wants To Practice Her Blowjobs With Me?
My Sexy Prep Room Teacher Is Also My Sexy Sex-Slave
Hi, my name’s Billy Hamelin. You may or may not have heard of me. If you haven’t, I’m sure you’ve heard of my Dad, Wallace Hamelin. Yeah. That Wallace Hamelin, the inventor of the Trapper Keeper.
Needless to say, after all the success of the Trapper Keeper, we were pretty well-off for a while there, before my Dad got sick and passed away in the mid 90’s. That’s what happens when you decide to have a son when you’re 63. It’s not like I’m mad at my Dad for being so old when he had me. It’s not like you can blame him. He is my Dad, after all. And even though I didn’t get a lot of time with him, the time I did get was pretty awesome, and I really do appreciate it.
By far, one of the coolest, and probably out-there things my Dad ever did for me was on the Christmas following my 18th birthday, when he bought me a sex-slave. Yeah, I told you it was pretty out-there. But, again, I’m not complaining. At the time, I thought I was pretty fucking lucky – excuse my French. And I still do. Especially when I found out who my sex-slave was, well, none other than my absolutely gorgeous and super sexy prep room teacher, Miss Rose.
(Maybe I Was Wrong When I Said) School Sucks (Or Maybe I Was Really Right)
The predominately all-female faculty at Florence Nightingale High School have arrived at an almost collectively self-imposed mission to convince one of its new students, a deeply troubled, but particularly gifted, and rather well-endowed young stranger in a strange land, that he was wrong to write his paper: School Sucks, or, as it just so happens, maybe he was really right.
Byzantine Thomas Newest Series
The Super Hard Series
I don’t know what it is but somehow, when the universe gets a whiff of you having a big stupid super hard 12-inch cock, suddenly every woman and their mother can sense it. And suddenly, every woman and their mother wants to see it, and naturally, suck it, fuck it or do some other god-awful thing to it. And let me tell you, it can be super hard to convince them otherwise!
Sometimes It Can Be Super Hard To Convince Your Best Friend’s Mom You’re About To Come
When the universe gets a whiff of you having a big stupid super hard 12-inch cock, it’s almost as if your best friend’s mom can’t get it through her pretty little head that you’re relatively new to sex, so you’re almost always about to come. All she seems to care about is when she can get that big stupid super hard 12-inch cock inside her, and hopefully for longer than a second or two, this time.
Go To Byzantine Thomas Complete List Of Titles
Other Authors
Gidea Zammis would like to bring a little more class to Legion Of Filth Erotic Stories. Enough with all this cum flying every which way, as in the case with Luca Satana and Byzantine Thomas titles. Gidea Zammis titles will be more story-driven, stylized, with a milder, more mature approach to the erotic story writing.
Joy Boycrazy is just that: Boycrazy. Joy may just be starting out but she has tons of naughty naughty thoughts in her head she would love to share with the world. So be sure and favorite her and collect all her boycrazy works.
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